International Conference on
Applied Cryptography and Network Security

List of Papers Highlighted in Media
  1. 2013.10.02:  Apple fixes iOS 7 after Singapore researchers identify flaws  -  Straits Times
  2. 2013.10.02:  Researchers from Singapore help fortify iOS platform  -  Computer World
  3. 2013.12.04:  Friendly app attacks detect vulnerabilities   -  A*STAR Research
  • Milivoj Simeonovski, Fabian Bendun, Muhammad Rizwan Asghar, Michael Backes, Ninja Marnau, Peter Druschel. "Oblivion: Mitigating Privacy Leaks by Controlling the Discoverability of Online Information".  (ACNS 2015, New York, USA)
    1. 2015.06.22:  'Oblivion' is the software that could automate the 'Right to Be Forgotten' Motherboard
    2. 2015.06.26:  Could the 'right to be forgotten' become automated? Oblivion software could help Google remove hundreds of people from the web in seconds  -  Daily Mail
    3. 2015.08.02:  How to wipe yourself off the Internet?  -  NZ Herald
    4. 2015.08.10:  Kiwi sends online footprint into 'Oblivion'   -  TV3 News
  1. 2016.10.21: Weakness of 2G mobile phone networks revealed - A*STAR Research
  2. 2016.10.21: Weakness of 2G mobile phone networks revealed - Phys.Org

* If any other ACNS paper being highlighted in media is missing in the list, please let us know.   

Maintained by Jianying Zhou
Last updated in October 2016