
Jianying Zhou is a professor and center director for iTrust at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Before joining SUTD, he was a principal scientist and the head of Infocomm Security Department at Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR. He also worked at the headquarters of Oracle as a security consultant.

Prof. Zhou received PhD in Information Security from Royal Holloway, University of London. His research interests are in applied cryptography and network security, cyber-physical system security, mobile and wireless security. He has published 300+ referred papers at international conferences (IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, USENIX Security, NDSS etc.) and journals (IEEE TIFS, IEEE TDSC etc.). He received ESORICS'15 Best Paper Award and ACSAC'23 Distinguished Paper Award. He has 2 technologies being standardized in ISO/IEC 29192-4 and ISO/IEC 20009-4, respectively. He also has 10+ technologies being patented.

Prof. Zhou is a co-founder & steering committee co-chair of ACNS, which is ranked in top 20 cyber security conferences. He is also steering committee chair of ACM AsiaCCS, and steering committee member of Asiacrypt. He has served 200+ times in international cyber security conference committees (ACM CCS & AsiaCCS, IEEE CSF, ESORICS, RAID, ACNS, Asiacrypt, FC, PKC etc.) as general chair, program chair, and PC member. He is associate editor-in-chief of IEEE Security & Privacy. He has also been in the editorial board of top cyber security journals (IEEE TIFS, IEEE TDSC etc.). He is an ACM Distinguished Member. He received the ESORICS Outstanding Contribution Award in 2020, in recognition of his contributions to the community.

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Last updated: December 2023