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Research Gate
- Jianying Zhou, Tony Quek, Debin Gao, and Alvaro Cardenas (editors).
"Computer and Communications Security".
AsiaCCS 2024, ISBN 979-8-4007-0482-6, ACM, July 2024.
- Jianying Zhou and Sudipta Chattopadhyay (editors).
"Cyber-Physical System Security".
CPSS 2024, ISBN 979-8-4007-0420-8, ACM, July 2024.
- Kuizhen Su, Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, and Jianying Zhou.
"Unsupervised Attack Isolation in Cyber-Physical Systems: A Competitive Test of Clustering Algorithms".
Chapter 4 of
"Cyberdefense: The Next Generation".
ISBN 978-3-031-30190-2,
Operations Research & Management Science Series, Springer, October 2023.
- Jianying Zhou et al. (editors).
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security Workshops".
ACNS 2023 Satellite Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13907,
ISBN 978-3-031-41180-9, Springer, June 2023.
- Jianying Zhou et al. (editors).
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security Workshops".
ACNS 2022 Satellite Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13285,
ISBN 978-3-031-16814-7, Springer, June 2022.
- Rodrigo Roman and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Security and Trust Management".
STM 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13075,
ISBN 978-3-030-91858-3, Springer, October 2021.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed and Jianying Zhou.
"Authentication for Cyber-Physical Systems".
Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy (third edition),
ISBN 978-3-642-27739-9, Springer, August 2021.
- Jianying Zhou et al. (editors).
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security Workshops".
ACNS 2021 Satellite Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12809,
ISBN 978-3-030-81644-5, Springer, June 2021.
- Surabhi Athalye, Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, and Jianying Zhou.
"Model-based CPS Attack Detection Techniques: Strengths and Limitations".
Chapter 6 of "Security in Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations and Applications".
ISBN 978-3-030-67360-4,
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control Series, Springer, March 2021.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, Muhammad Azmi Umer, Beebi Siti Salimah Binte Liyakkathali, Muhammad Taha Jilani, and Jianying Zhou.
"Machine Learning for CPS Security: Applications, Challenges and Recommendations".
Chapter 18 of
"Machine Intelligence and Big Data Analytics for Cybersecurity Applications".
ISBN ISBN 978-3-030-57023-1,
Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, Springer, December 2020.
- Jianying Zhou et al. (editors).
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security Workshops".
ACNS 2020 Satellite Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12418,
ISBN 978-3-030-61637-3, Springer, October 2020.
- Mauro Conti, Jianying Zhou, Emiliano Casalicchio, and Angelo Spognardi (editors).
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security".
ACNS 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12146 & 12147,
ISBN 978-3-030-57807-7 & 978-3-030-57877-0, Springer, October 2020.
- Weizhi Meng, Dieter Gollmann, Christian Jensen, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Information and Communications Security".
ICICS 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12282,
ISBN 978-3-030-61077-7, Springer, August 2020.
- Jianying Zhou, Xiapu Luo, Qingni Shen, and Zhen Xu (editors).
"Information and Communications Security".
ICICS 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11999,
ISBN 978-3-030-41578-5, Springer, December 2019.
- Aditya Mathur and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Cyber-Physical System Security".
CPSS 2019, ISBN 978-1-4503-6787-5, ACM, July 2019.
- Jianying Zhou et al. (editors).
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security Workshops".
ACNS 2019 Satellite Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11605,
ISBN 978-3-030-29728-2, Springer, June 2019.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, Jianying Zhou, and Aditya Mathur.
"State Estimation based Attack Detection in Cyber Physical Systems: Limitations and Solutions".
Chapter 3 of
"Cybersecurity and Privacy in Cyber Physical Systems".
ISBN 9781138346673, CRC Press, May 2019.
- Megha Agrawal, Jianying Zhou, and Donghoon Chang.
"A Survey on Lightweight Authenticated Encryption and Challenges for Securing Industrial IoT".
Chapter 4 of "Security and Privacy Trends in the Industrial Internet of Things".
ISBN 978-3-030-12329-1,
Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications Series, Springer, May 2019.
- Javier Lopez, Jianying Zhou, and Miguel Soriano (editors).
"Computer Security".
ESORICS 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11098 & 11099,
ISBN 978-3-319-99072-9 & 978-3-319-98988-4, Springer, September 2018.
- Dieter Gollmann and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Cyber-Physical System Security".
CPSS 2018, ISBN 978-1-4503-5755-5, ACM, June 2018.
- Phong Nguyen and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Information Security".
ISC 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10599,
ISBN 978-3-319-69659-1, Springer, November 2017.
- Weizhi Meng, Jianying Zhou, and Lam-For Kwok.
"A Review of Intrusion Detection and Prevention on Mobile Devices: The Last Decade".
Chapter 1 of
"Intrusion Detection and Prevention for Mobile Ecosystems".
ISBN 978-1138033573,
Security, Privacy and Trust Series, CRC Press, September 2017.
- Jianying Zhou and Ernesto Damiani (editors).
"Cyber-Physical System Security".
CPSS 2017, ISBN 978-1-4503-4956-7, ACM, April 2017.
- Weizhi Meng, Xiapu Luo, Steven Furnell, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Protecting Mobile Networks and Devices: Challenges and Solutions".
ISBN 978-1498735834,
Security, Privacy and Trust Series, CRC Press, November 2016.
- Jianying Zhou and Javier Lopez (editors).
"Cyber-Physical System Security".
CPSS 2016, ISBN 978-1-4503-4288-9, ACM, May 2016.
- Jianying Zhou and Gail-Joon Ahn (editors).
"Information, Computer and Communications Security".
AsiaCCS 2015,
ISBN 978-1-4503-3245-3, ACM, April 2015.
- Jianying Zhou and Douglas Jones (editors).
"Cyber-Physical System Security".
CPSS 2015, ISBN 978-1-4503-3448-8, ACM, April 2015.
- Dongdai Lin, Moti Yung, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Information Security and Cryptology".
Inscrypt 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8957,
ISBN 978-3-319-16744-2, Springer, December 2014.
- Jianying Zhou, Nurit Gal-Oz, Jie Zhang, and Ehud Gudes (editors).
"Trust Management".
IFIPTM 2014, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 430,
ISBN 978-3-662-43812-1, Springer, July 2014.
- Xinyi Huang and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Information Security Practice and Experience".
ISPEC 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8434,
ISBN 978-3-319-06319-5, Springer, May 2014.
- Sihan Qing, Jianying Zhou, and Dongmei Liu (editors).
"Information and Communications Security".
ICICS 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8233,
ISBN 978-3-319-02725-8, Springer, November 2013.
- Abror Abduvaliyev, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Jianying Zhou, Rodrigo Roman, and Lawrence Wong.
"Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Wireless Sensor Networks".
Chapter 17 of
"Wireless Sensor Networks: Current Status and Future Trends".
ISBN 978-1-4665-0606-0, CRC Press, November 2012.
- Feng Bao, Pierangela Samarati, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security".
ACNS 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7341,
ISBN 978-3-642-31283-0, Springer, June 2012.
- Sherman Chow, Cheng-Kang Chu, Xinyi Huang, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Dynamic Secure Cloud Storage with Provenance".
Festschrift Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6805,
pages 442--464, ISBN 978-3-642-28367-3, Springer, 2012.
- Xuejia Lai, Jianying Zhou, and Hui Li (editors).
"Information Security".
ISC 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7001,
ISBN 978-3-642-24860-3, Springer, October 2011.
- Claudio Ardagna and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Information Security Theory and Practice: Security and Privacy of Mobile Devices in Wireless Communication".
WISTP 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6633,
ISBN 978-3-642-21039-6, Springer, June 2011.
- Sushil Jajodia and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Security and Privacy in Communication Networks".
SecureComm 2010, Lecture Notes of ICST 50,
ISBN 978-3-642-16160-5, Springer, September 2010.
- Jianying Zhou.
Chapter 4 of
"Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security",
ISBN 978-1420059816,
Cryptography and Network Security Series, CRC Press, August 2010.
- Jianying Zhou and Moti Yung (editors).
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security".
ACNS 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6123,
ISBN 978-3-642-13707-5, Springer, June 2010.
- Yingjiu Li and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Radio Frequency Identification System Security".
RFIDsec-Asia 2010, Cryptology & Information Security Series,
ISBN 978-1-60750-484-9, IOS Press, February 2010.
- Yan Chen, Tassos Dimitriou, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Security and Privacy in Communication Networks".
SecureComm 2009, Lecture Notes of ICST 19,
ISBN 978-3-642-05283-5, Springer, September 2009.
- Jose Onieva, Javier Lopez, and Jianying Zhou.
"Secure Multi-Party Non-repudiation Protocols and Applications".
ISBN 978-0-387-75629-5,
Advances in Information Security Series,
Springer, 2009.
- Joonsang Baek, Ernest Foo, Han-Chiang Tan, and Jianying Zhou.
"Securing Wireless Sensor Networks - Threats and Countermeasures".
Chapter 3 of
"Security and Privacy in Mobile and Wireless Networking",
ISBN 978-1905886-906, Troubador Publishing, February 2009.
- Javier Lopez and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Wireless Sensor Network Security".
ISBN 978-1-58603-813-7,
Cryptology & Information Security Series,
IOS Press, April 2008.
- Chunhua Su, Jianying Zhou, Feng Bao, Guilin Wang, and Kouichi Sakurai.
"Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Data Mining".
Chapter 10 of
"Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies and Practices",
ISBN 978-1420052176, CRC Press, December 2007.
- Jianying Zhou, Moti Yung, and Feng Bao (editors).
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security".
ACNS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3989,
ISBN 3-540-34703-8, Springer, June 2006.
- Kefei Chen, Robert Deng, Xuejia Lai, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Information Security Practice and Experience".
ISPEC 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3903,
ISBN 3-540-33052-6, Springer, April 2006.
- Robert Deng, Feng Bao, Ying Qiu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Enforcing Security in Mobile Networks - Challenges and Solutions".
Chapter 14 of
"Mobile, Wireless and Sensor Networks: Technology, Applications and Future Directions",
ISBN 0-471-71816-5, John Wiley & Sons, March 2006.
- Jianying Zhou, Meng-Chow Kang, Feng Bao, and Hwee-Hwa Pang (editors).
"Applied Public Key Infrastructure".
IWAP 2005, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 128,
ISBN 1-58603-550-9, IOS Press, September 2005.
- Jianying Zhou, Javier Lopez, Robert Deng, and Feng Bao (editors).
"Information Security".
ISC 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3650,
ISBN 3-540-29001-X, Springer, September 2005.
- Robert Deng, Feng Bao, Hwee-Hwa Pang, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Information Security Practice and Experience".
ISPEC 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3439,
ISBN 3-540-25584-2, Springer, April 2005.
- Markus Jakobsson, Moti Yung, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security".
ACNS 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3089,
ISBN 3-540-22217-0, Springer, June 2004.
- Feng Bao, Robert Deng, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Public Key Cryptography".
PKC 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2947,
ISBN 3-540-21018-0, Springer, March 2004.
- Jianying Zhou, Moti Yung, and Yongfei Han (editors).
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security".
ACNS 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2846,
ISBN 3-540-20208-0, Springer, October 2003.
- Sihan Qing, Dieter Gollmann, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Information and Communications Security".
ICICS 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2836,
ISBN 3-540-20150-5, Springer, October 2003.
- Robert Deng, Sihan Qing, Feng Bao, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Information and Communications Security".
ICICS 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2513,
ISBN 3-540-00164-6, Springer, December 2002.
- Sihan Qing, Tatsuaki Okamoto, and Jianying Zhou (editors).
"Information and Communications Security".
ICICS 2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2229,
ISBN 3-540-42880-1, Springer, November 2001.
- Jianying Zhou.
"Non-repudiation in Electronic Commerce".
ISBN 1-58053-247-0,
Computer Security Series,
Artech House, 2001.
- Jianying Zhou.
PhD Thesis,
University of London,
December 1996.
Conference Papers
[2025 | 2024 | 2023 |
2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
2016 | 2015 | 2014 |
2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
2010 | 2009 | 2008 |
2007 | 2006 | 2005 |
2004 | 2003 | 2002 |
2001-1999 | 1998-1996]
- Yan Lin Aung, Willy Cahyadi, and Jianying Zhou.
"CANDIDS: CAN/CAN-FD Deep Learning-based Intrusion Detection Systems". (CPSS'25)
Proceedings of
2025 ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop,
Hanoi, Vietnam, July 2025, ACM Press.
- Yaxi Yang, Xiaojian Liang, Xiangfu Song, Ye Dong, Linting Huang, Hongyu Ren, Changyu Dong, and Jianying Zhou.
"Maliciously Secure Circuit Private Set Intersection via SPDZ-Compatible Oblivious PRF". (PETS'25)
2025 Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium,
Washington DC, USA, July 2025.
[Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2025(2):??--??]
- Fuyi Wang, Jinzhi Ouyang, Leo Yu Zhang, Lei Pan, Shengshan Hu, Robin Doss, and Jianying Zhou.
"SEBioID: Secure and Efficient Biometric Identification with Two-Party Computation". (ACNS'25)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proceedings of
2025 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
Munich, Germany, June 2025, Springer.
- Ruonan Chen, Ye Dong, Yizhong Liu, Tingyu Fan, Dawei Li, Zhenyu Guan, Jianwei Liu, and Jianying Zhou.
"FLock: Robust and Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning based on Practical Blockchain State Channels". (WWW'25)
Proceedings of
2025 ACM Web Conference,
Sydney, Australia, April 2025, ACM Press.
- Fuyi Wang, Zekai Chen, Mingyuan Fan, Jianying Zhou, Lei Pan, and Leo Yu Zhang.
"PrivGNN: High-Performance Secure Inference for Cryptographic Graph Neural Networks". (FC'25)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proceedings of
2025 International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security,
Miyakojima, Japan, April 2025, Springer.
- Eyasu Getahun Chekole and Jianying Zhou.
"MFAA: Historical Hash Based Multi-Factor Authentication and Authorization in IIoT". (ICSS'24)
Proceedings of
2024 Industrial Control System Security Workshop (with ACSAC'24),
Honolulu, USA, December 2024, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Zeyu Yang, Hongyi Pu, Liang He, Chengtao Yao, Jianying Zhou, Peng Cheng, and Jiming Chen.
"Deception-Resistant Stochastic Manufacturing for Automated Production Lines". (RAID'24)
Proceedings of
2024 International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses,
pages 546--560, Padua, Italy, September 2024, ACM Press.
- Yong-Zhi Lim, Wen-Qing Ong, and Jianying Zhou.
"Towards Atomicity and Composability in Cross-Chain NFTs". (DBSec'24)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14901, Proceedings of
2024 IFIP Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy,
pages 92--100, San Jose, USA, July 2024, Springer.
- Fuyi Wang, Zekai Chen, Lei Pan, Leo Yu Zhang, and Jianying Zhou.
"CryptGraph: An Efficient Privacy-Enhancing Solution for Accurate Shortest Path Retrieval in Cloud Environments". (AsiaCCS'24)
Proceedings of
2024 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
pages 1660--1674, Singapore, July 2024, ACM Press.
- Qian Chen, Zilong Wang, Jiaqi Hu, Haonan Yan, Jianying Zhou, and Xiaodong Lin.
"PAGE: Equilibrate Personalization and Generalization in Federated Learning". (WWW'24)
Proceedings of
2024 ACM Web Conference,
pages 2955--2964, Singapore, May 2024, ACM Press.
- Meixuan Li, Awais Yousaf, Mark Goh, Jianying Zhou, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay.
"Guidelines for Cyber Risk Management in Autonomous Shipping". (CIMSS'24)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14587, Proceedings of
2024 International Workshop on Critical Infrastructure and Manufacturing System Security (with ACNS'24),
pages 143--161, Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 2024, Springer.
- Xiaodong Ye, Teik-Guan Tan, and Jianying Zhou.
"Towards Discovering Quantum-Threats for Applications using Open-Source Libraries". (SCI'24)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14586, Proceedings of
2024 International Workshop on Secure Cryptographic Implementation (with ACNS'24),
pages 283--306, Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 2024, Springer.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, Nandha Kumar Kandasamy, Darren Ng, and Jianying Zhou.
"Device Fingerprinting in a Smart Grid CPS". (AIoTS'24)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14586, Proceedings of
2024 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial IoT Security (with ACNS'24),
pages 215--234, Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 2024, Springer.
- Jie Meng, Zeyu Yang, Zhenyong Zhang, Yangyang Geng, Ruilong Deng, Peng Cheng, Jiming Chen, and Jianying Zhou.
"SePanner: Analyzing Semantics of Controller Variables in Industrial Control Systems based on Network Traffic". (ACSAC'23)
[Distinguished Paper Award]
Proceedings of
2023 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
pages 310--323, Austin, USA, December 2023, ACM Press.
- Yan Lin Aung, Shanshan Wang, Cheng Wang, Sudipta Chattopadhyay, Jianying Zhou, and Anyu Cheng.
"VNGuard: Intrusion Detection System for In-Vehicle Networks". (ISC'23)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14411, Proceedings of
2023 Information Security Conference,
pages 79--98, Groningen, Netherlands, November 2023, Springer.
- Jiaqi Yang, Jun-Xian Chia, Xijie Ba, Jianying Zhou, and Zheng Yang.
"Optimizing Lightweight Intermittent Message Authentication for Programmable Logic Controller". (SecureComm'23)
Lecture Notes of ICST 567, Proceedings of
2023 International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks,
pages 225--243, Hong Kong, China, October 2023, Springer.
- Andrei Bytes, Prashant Hari Narayan Rajput, Constantine Doumanidis, Nils Ole Tippenhauer, Michail Maniatakos, and Jianying Zhou.
"FieldFuzz: In Situ Blackbox Fuzzing of Proprietary Industrial Automation Runtimes via the Network". (RAID'23)
Proceedings of
2023 International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses,
pages 499--512, Hong Kong, China, October 2023, ACM Press.
- Daniel Reijsbergen, Aung Maw, Zheng Yang, Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, and Jianying Zhou.
"TAP: Transparent and Privacy-Preserving Data Services". (Security'23)
Proceedings of
2023 USENIX Security Symposium,
pages 6489--6506, Anaheim, USA, August 2023, USENIX Association.
- Zheng-Teng Ko, Trupil Limbasiya, Federico Turrin, Yan Lin Aung, Sudipta Chattopadhyay, Jianying Zhou, and Mauro Conti.
"PAID: Perturbed Image Attacks Analysis and Intrusion Detection Mechanism for Autonomous Driving Systems". (CPSS'23)
[Best Paper Award]
Proceedings of
2023 ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop,
pages 3--13, Melbourne, Australia, July 2023, ACM Press.
- John Castellanos, Mohamed Maghenem, Alvaro Cardenas, Ricardo Sanfelice, and Jianying Zhou.
"Provable Adversarial Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems". (EuroS&P'23)
Proceedings of
2023 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy,
pages 979--1012, Delft, Netherlands, July 2023, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Teik-Guan Tan, Vishal Sharma, Zengpeng Li, Pawel Szalachowski, and Jianying Zhou.
"ZKBdf: A ZKBoo-based Quantum-Secure Verifiable Delay Function with Prover-Secret". (SCI'23)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13907, Proceedings of
2023 International Workshop on Secure Cryptographic Implementation (with ACNS'23),
pages 530--550, Kyoto, Japan, June 2023, Springer.
- Victor Sim, Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, Kelvin Koh, and Jianying Zhou.
"Safety Watermark: A Defense Tool for Real-Time Digital Forensic Incident Response in Industrial Control Systems". (CIMSS'23)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13907, Proceedings of
2023 International Workshop on Critical Infrastructure and Manufacturing System Security (with ACNS'23),
pages 299--320, Kyoto, Japan, June 2023, Springer.
- Eyasu Getahun Chekole, Rajaram Thulasiraman, and Jianying Zhou.
"EARIC: Exploiting ADC Registers in IoT and Control Systems". (AIoTS'23)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13907, Proceedings of
2023 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial IoT Security (with ACNS'23),
pages 245--265, Kyoto, Japan, June 2023, Springer.
- Yaxi Yang, Jian Weng, Yufeng Yi, Changyu Dong, Leo Yu Zhang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Predicate Private Set Intersection with Linear Complexity". (ACNS'23)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13906, Proceedings of
2023 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 143--166, Kyoto, Japan, June 2023, Springer.
- Yan Lin Aung, Martin Ochoa, and Jianying Zhou.
"ATLAS: A Practical Attack Detection and Live Malware Analysis System for IoT Threat Intelligence". (ISC'22)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13640, Proceedings of
2022 Information Security Conference,
pages 319--338, Bali, Indonesia, December 2022, Springer.
- Zheng Yang, Chao Yin, Junming Ke, Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, and Jianying Zhou.
"If You Can't Beat Them, Pay Them: Bitcoin Protection Racket is Profitable". (ACSAC'22)
Proceedings of
2022 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
pages 727--741, Austin, USA, December 2022, ACM Press.
- Flavio Toffalini, Mathias Payer, Jianying Zhou, and Lorenzo Cavallaro.
"Designing a Provenance Analysis for SGX Enclaves". (ACSAC'22)
Proceedings of
2022 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
pages 102--116, Austin, USA, December 2022, ACM Press.
- Teik-Guan Tan and Jianying Zhou.
"Migrating Blockchains away from ECDSA for Post-Quantum Security: A Study of Impact on Users and Applications". (CBT'22)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13619, Proceedings of
2022 International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology (with ESORICS'22),
pages 308--316, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2022, Springer.
- Teik-Guan Tan, De-Wen Soh, and Jianying Zhou.
"Calibrating Learning Parity with Noise Authentication for Low-Resource Devices". (ICICS'22)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13407, Proceedings of
2022 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 19--36, Canterbury, UK, September 2022, Springer.
- Bowen Liu, Jianying Zhou, and Yong-Zhi Lim.
"Being Accountable Never Cheats: An Incentive Protocol for DeFi Oracles". (DAPPS'22)
Proceedings of
2022 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures,
San Francisco, August 2022, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Bowen Liu and Jianying Zhou.
"Liberate Your Servers: A Decentralized Content Compliance Validation Protocol". (DBSec'22)
[Best Student Paper Award]
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13383, Proceedings of
2022 IFIP Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy,
pages 89--109, Newark, USA, July 2022, Springer.
- Muhammad Omer Shahid, Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, Venkata Reddy Palleti, and Jianying Zhou.
"Curse of System Complexity and Virtue of Operational Invariants: Machine Learning based System Modeling and Attack Detection in CPS". (DSC'22)
Proceedings of
2022 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing,
Edinburgh, UK, June 2022, IEEE Reliability Society Press.
- Teik-Guan Tan, Pawel Szalachowski. and Jianying Zhou.
"Securing Password Authentication for Web-based Applications". (DSC'22)
[Best Student Paper Award]
Proceedings of
2022 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing,
Edinburgh, UK, June 2022, IEEE Reliability Society Press.
- Aldar Chan and Jianying Zhou.
"Toward Safe Integration of Legacy SCADA Systems in the Smart Grid". (CIMSS'22)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13285, Proceedings of
2022 International Workshop on Critical Infrastructure and Manufacturing System Security (with ACNS'22),
pages 338--357, Rome, Italy, June 2022, Springer.
- Alessandro Visintin, Flavio Toffalini, Eleonora Losiouk, Mauro Conti, and Jianying Zhou.
"HolA: Holistic and Autonomous Attestation for IoT Networks". (AIoTS'22)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13285, Proceedings of
2022 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial IoT Security (with ACNS'22),
pages 277--296, Rome, Italy, June 2022, Springer.
- Yong-Zhi Lim, Jianying Zhou, and Martin Saerbeck.
"SuppliedTrust: A Trusted Blockchain Architecture for Supply Chains". (AIBlock'22)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13285, Proceedings of
2022 International Workshop on Application Intelligence and Blockchain Security (with ACNS'22),
pages 36--52, Rome, Italy, June 2022, Springer.
- Zheng Yang, Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, Chao Yin, Yingying Yao, Dianshi Yang, Xiaolin Chang, and Jianying Zhou.
"LARP: A Lightweight Auto-Refreshing Pseudonym Protocol for V2X". (SACMAT'22)
Proceedings of
2022 ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies,
pages 49--60, New York, USA, June 2022, ACM Press.
- Vishal Sharma, Pawel Szalachowski, and Jianying Zhou.
"Evaluating Blockchain Protocols with Abusive Modeling". (AsiaCCS'22)
Proceedings of
2022 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
pages 109--122, Nagasaki, Japan, June 2022, ACM Press.
- Daniel Reijsbergen, Aung Maw, Sarad Venugopalan, Dianshi Yang, Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, and Jianying Zhou.
"Protecting the Integrity of IoT Sensor Data and Firmware with a Feather-Light Blockchain Infrastructure". (ICBC'22)
Proceedings of
2022 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency,
Shanghai, China, May 2022, IEEE Communications Society Process.
- Zheng Yang, Zhiting Bao, Chenglu Jin, Zhe Liu, and Jianying Zhou.
"PLCrypto: A Symmetric Cryptographic Library for Programmable Logic Controllers". (FSE'22)
2022 Fast Software Encryption Conference,
Athens, Greece, March 2022.
[IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 2021(3):170--217]
- Shiwei Xu, Ao Sun, Xiaowen Cai, Zhengwei Ren, Yizhi Zhao, and Jianying Zhou.
"Post-Quantum User Authentication and Key Exchange based on Consortium Blockchain". (ICPADS'21)
Proceedings of
2021 IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
pages 667--674, Beijing, China, December 2021, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Zheng Yang, Chenglu Jin, Jianting Ning, Zengpeng Li, Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, and Jianying Zhou.
"Group Time-based One-time Passwords and its Application to Efficient Privacy-Preserving Proof of Location". (ACSAC'21)
Proceedings of
2021 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
pages 497--512, Virtual, December 2021, ACM Press.
- Bowen Liu, Qiang Tang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Bigdata-Facilitated Two-Party Authenticated Key Exchange for IoT". (ISC'21)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13118, Proceedings of
2021 Information Security Conference,
pages 95--116, Bali, Indonesia, November 2021, Springer.
- Teik-Guan Tan and Jianying Zhou.
"Layering Quantum-Resistance into Classical Digital Signature Algorithms". (ISC'21)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13118, Proceedings of
2021 Information Security Conference,
pages 26--41, Bali, Indonesia, November 2021, Springer.
- Xiaowen Cai, Wenjing Cheng, Minghui Zhang, Chen Qian, Zhengwei Ren, Shiwei Xu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Post-Quantum Key Escrow for Supervised Secret Data Sharing on Consortium Blockchain". (CSS'21)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13172, Proceedings of
2021 International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security,
pages 164--181, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2021, Springer.
- John Castellanos, Martin Ochoa, Alvaro Cardenas, Owen Arden, and Jianying Zhou.
"AttkFinder: Discovering Attack Vectors in PLC Programs using Information Flow Analysis". (RAID'21)
Proceedings of
2021 International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses,
pages 235--250, San Sebastian, Spain, October 2021, ACM Press.
- Daniel Reijsbergen, Zheng Yang, Aung Maw, Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, and Jianying Zhou.
"Transparent Electricity Pricing with Privacy". (ESORICS'21)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12973, Proceedings of
2021 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
pages 439--460, Darmstadt, Germany, October 2021, Springer.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed and Jianying Zhou.
"Bank of Models: Sensor Attack Detection and Isolation in Industrial Control Systems". (CRITIS'21)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13139, Proceedings of
2021 International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security,
pages 3--23, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2021, Springer.
- Jay Prakash, Clarice Chua, Tanvi Thombre, Andrei Bytes, Mohammed Jubur, Nitesh Saxena, Lucienne Blessing, Jianying Zhou, and Tony Quek.
"Countering Concurrent Login Attacks in Just Tap Push-based Authentication: A Redesign and Usability Evaluations". (EuroS&P'21)
Proceedings of
2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy,
pages 21--36, Vienna, Austria, September 2021, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Bowen Liu, Pawel Szalachowski, and Jianying Zhou.
"A First Look into DeFi Oracles". (DAPPS'21)
[Best Paper Award]
Proceedings of
2021 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures,
pages 39--48, Virtual, August 2021, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Cher-Chye Lee, Teik-Guan Tan, Vishal Sharma, and Jianying Zhou.
"Quantum Computing Threat Modelling on a Generic CPS Setup". (AIoTS'21)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12809, Proceedings of
2021 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial IoT Security (with ACNS'21),
pages 171--190, Kamakura, Japan, June 2021, Springer.
- Yong-Zhi Lim, Jianying Zhou, and Martin Saerbeck.
"Shaping Blockchain Technology for Securing Supply Chains". (AIBlock'21)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12809, Proceedings of
2021 International Workshop on Application Intelligence and Blockchain Security (with ACNS'21),
pages 3--18, Kamakura, Japan, June 2021, Springer.
- Flavio Toffalini, Mariano Graziano, Mauro Conti, and Jianying Zhou.
"SnakeGX: A Sneaky Attack against SGX Enclaves". (ACNS'21)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12726, Proceedings of
2021 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 333--362, Kamakura, Japan, June 2021, Springer.
- Zheng Yang, Chao Yin, Chenglu Jin, Jianting Ning, and Jianying Zhou.
"Lightweight Delegated Authentication with Identity Fraud Detection for Cyber-physical Systems". (CPSS'21)
Proceedings of
2021 ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop,
pages 17--28, Hong Kong, China, June 2021, ACM Press.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, Martin Ochoa, Jianying Zhou, and Aditya Mathur.
"Scanning the Cycle: Timing-based Authentication on PLCs". (AsiaCCS'21)
Proceedings of
2021 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
pages 886--900, Hong Kong, China, June 2021, ACM Press.
- Daniel Reijsbergen, Pawel Szalachowski, Junming Ke, Zengpeng Li, and Jianying Zhou.
"LaKSA: A Probabilistic Proof-of-Stake Protocol". (NDSS'21)
Proceedings of
2021 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium,
San Diego, USA, February 2021, Internet Society Press.
- Kai-Ren Teo, Balamurali B T, Jer-Ming Chen, and Jianying Zhou.
"Retrieving Input from Touch Interfaces via Acoustic Emanations". (DSC'21)
[Best Student Paper Award]
Proceedings of
2021 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing,
Aizuwakamatsu, Japan, January 2021, IEEE Reliability Society Press.
- Junming Ke, Pawel Szalachowski, Jianying Zhou, and Qiuliang Xu.
"Formalizing Bitcoin Crashes with Universally Composable Security". (ISC'20)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12472, Proceedings of
2020 Information Security Conference,
pages 334--351, Bali, Indonesia, December 2020, Springer.
- Yan Lin Aung, Hui Hui Tiang, Herman Wijaya, Martin Ochoa, and Jianying Zhou.
"Scalable VPN-forwarded Honeypots: Dataset and Threat Intelligence Insights". (ICSS'20)
Proceedings of
2020 Industrial Control System Security Workshop (with ACSAC'20),
pages 21--30, Austin, USA, December 2020, ACM Press.
- Yangguang Tian, Nan Li, Yingjiu Li, Pawel Szalachowski, and Jianying Zhou.
"Policy-based Chameleon Hash for Blockchain Rewriting with Black-box Accountability". (ACSAC'20)
Proceedings of
2020 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
pages 813--828, Austin, USA, December 2020, ACM Press.
- Andrei Bytes and Jianying Zhou.
"Post-exploitation and Persistence Techniques against Programmable Logic Controller". (AIoTS'20)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12418, Proceedings of
2020 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial IoT Security (with ACNS'20),
pages 255--273, Rome, Italy, October 2020, Springer.
- Dianshi Yang, Daisuke Mashima, Wei Lin, and Jianying Zhou.
"DecIED: Scalable k-Anonymous Deception for IEC61850-Compliant Smart Grid Systems". (CPSS'20)
Proceedings of
2020 ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop,
pages 54--65, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2020, ACM Press.
- Zhongyuan Hau, John Castellanos, and Jianying Zhou.
"Evaluating Cascading Impact of Attacks on Resilience of Industrial Control Systems: A Design-Centric Modeling Approach". (CPSS'20)
Proceedings of
2020 ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop,
pages 42--53, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2020, ACM Press.
- Zheng Yang, Chenglu Jin, Yangguang Tian, Junyu Lai, and Jianying Zhou.
"LiS: Lightweight Signature Schemes for Continuous Message Authentication in Cyber-Physical Systems". (AsiaCCS'20)
Proceedings of
2020 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
pages 719--731, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2020, ACM Press.
- Surabhi Athalye, Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, and Jianying Zhou.
"A Tale of Two Testbeds: A Comparative Study of Attack Detection Techniques in CPS". (CRITIS'20)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12332, Proceedings of
2020 International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security ,
pages 17--30, Bristol, UK, September 2020, Springer.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, Jay Prakash, Rizwan Qadeer, Anand Agrawal, and Jianying Zhou.
"Process Skew: Fingerprinting the Process for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems". (WiSec'20)
Proceedings of
2020 ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks,
pages 219--230, Linz, Austria, July 2020, ACM Press.
- Teik-Guan Tan, Vishal Sharma, and Jianying Zhou.
"Right-of-Stake: Deterministic and Fair Blockchain Leader Election with Hidden Leader". (ICBC'20)
Proceedings of
2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency,
Toronto, Canada, May 2020, IEEE Communications Society Process.
- Chenglu Jin, Zheng Yang, Marten van Dijk, and Jianying Zhou.
"Proof of Aliveness". (ACSAC'19)
Proceedings of
2019 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
pages 1--16, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 2019, ACM Press.
- Hamid Reza Ghaeini, Matthew Chan, Raad Bahmani, Ferdinand Brasser, Luis Garcia, Jianying Zhou, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Nils Ole Tippenhauer, and Saman Zonouz.
"PAtt: Physics-based Attestation of Control Systems". (RAID'19)
Proceedings of
2019 International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses,
pages 165--180, Beijing, China, September 2019, USENIX.
- Flavio Toffalini, Eleonora Losiouk, Andrea Biondo, Jianying Zhou, and Mauro Conti.
"ScaRR: Scalable Runtime Remote Attestation for Complex Systems". (RAID'19)
Proceedings of
2019 International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses,
pages 121--134, Beijing, China, September 2019, USENIX.
- Junming Ke, Pawel Szalachowski, Jianying Zhou, Qiuliang Xu, and Zheng Yang.
"IBWH: An Intermittent Block Withholding Attack with Optimal Mining Reward Rate". (ISC'19)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11723, Proceedings of
2019 Information Security Conference,
pages 3--24, New York, USA, September 2019, Springer.
- Hamid Reza Ghaeini, Nils Ole Tippenhauer, and Jianying Zhou.
"Zero Residual Attacks on Industrial Control Systems and Stateful Countermeasures". (WCTI'19)
Proceedings of
2019 International Workshop on Cyber Threat Intelligence (with AReS'19),
Article No. 80, Canterbury, UK, August 2019, ACM Press.
- Weizhi Meng, Wenjuan Li, Lijun Jiang, and Jianying Zhou.
"SocialAuth: Designing Touch Behavioral Smartphone User Authentication based on Social Networking Applications". (SEC'19)
Proceedings of
2019 IFIP International Information Security and Privacy Conference,
pages 180--193, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2019, Springer.
- Jia Xu and Jianying Zhou.
"Strong Leakage Resilient Encryption by Hiding Partial Ciphertext". (AIoTS'19)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11605, Proceedings of
2019 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial IoT Security (with ACNS'19),
pages 172--191, Bogota, Colombia, June 2019, Springer.
- Tanmoy Kanti Das, Subhojit Ghosh, Ebha Koley, and Jianying Zhou.
"Design of a FDIA Resilient Protection Scheme for Power Networks by Securing Minimal Sensor Set". (AIoTS'19)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11605, Proceedings of
2019 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial IoT Security (with ACNS'19),
pages 156--171, Bogota, Colombia, June 2019, Springer.
- John Castellanos and Jianying Zhou.
"A Modular Hybrid Learning Approach for Black-Box Security Testing of CPS". (ACNS'19)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11464, Proceedings of
2019 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 196--216, Bogota, Colombia, June 2019, Springer.
- Flavio Toffalini, Martin Ochoa, Jun Sun, and Jianying Zhou.
"Careful-Packing: A Practical and Scalable Anti-Tampering Software Protection Enforced by Trusted Computing". (CODASPY'19)
Proceedings of
2019 ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy,
pages 231--242, Dallas, USA, March 2019, ACM Press.
- John Castellanos, Martin Ochoa, and Jianying Zhou.
"Finding Dependencies between Cyber-Physical Domains for Security Testing of Industrial Control Systems". (ACSAC'18)
Proceedings of
2018 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
pages 582--594, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 2018, ACM Press.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, Jianying Zhou, and Aditya Mathur.
"Noise Matters: Using Sensor and Process Noise Fingerprint to Detect Stealthy Cyber Attacks and Authenticate Sensors in CPS". (ACSAC'18)
Proceedings of
2018 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
pages 566--581, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 2018, ACM Press.
- Neeraj Karamchandani, Vinay Sachidananda, Suhas Setikere, Jianying Zhou, and Yuval Elovici.
"SMuF: State Machine based Mutational Fuzzing Framework for Internet of Things". (CRITIS'18)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11260, Proceedings of
2018 International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security,
pages 101--112, Kaunas, Lithuania, September 2018, Springer.
- Megha Agrawal, Tianxiang Huang, Jianying Zhou, and Donghoon Chang.
"CAN-FD-Sec: Improving Security of CAN-FD Protocol". (CSITS'18)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11552, Proceedings of
2018 International Workshop on Cyber Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems (with ESORICS'18),
pages 77--93, Barcelona, Spain, September 2018, Springer.
- Tianxiang Huang, Jianying Zhou, and Andrei Bytes.
"ATG: An Attack Traffic Generation Tool for Security Testing of In-vehicle CAN Bus". (AReS'18)
Proceedings of
2018 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security,
Article No. 32, Hamburg, Germany, August 2018, ACM Press.
- Jia Xu and Jianying Zhou.
"Virtually Isolated Network: A Hybrid Network to Achieve High Level Security". (DBSec'18)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10980, Proceedings of
2018 IFIP Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy,
pages 299--311, Bergamo, Italy, July 2018, Springer.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, Martin Ochoa, Jianying Zhou, Aditya Mathur, Rizwan Qadeer, Carlos Murguia, and Justin Ruths.
"NoisePrint: Attack Detection Using Sensor and Process Noise Fingerprint in Cyber Physical Systems". (AsiaCCS'18)
Proceedings of
2018 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
pages 483--497, Incheon, Korea, June 2018, ACM Press.
- Tianxiang Huang, Jianying Zhou, Yi Wang, and Anyu Cheng.
"On the Security of In-Vehicle Hybrid Network: Status and Challenges". (ISPEC'17)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10701, Proceedings of
2017 International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience,
pages 621--637, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017, Springer.
- Jia Xu, Ee-Chien Chang, and Jianying Zhou.
"A New Functional Encryption for Multidimensional Range Query". (ISPEC'17)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10701, Proceedings of
2017 International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience,
pages 361--372, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017, Springer.
- Luying Zhou, Huaqun Guo, Dong Li, Jianying Zhou, and Jun-Wen Wong.
"A Scheme for Lightweight SCADA Packet Authentication". (APCC'17)
Proceedings of
2017 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications,
pages 398--403, Perth, Australia, December 2017.
- Weizhi Meng, Wenjuan Li, Wang-Hao Lee, Lijun Jiang, and Jianying Zhou.
"A Pilot Study of Multiple Password Interference between Text and Map-based Passwords". (ACNS'17)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10355, Proceedings of
2017 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 145--162, Kanazawa, Japan, July 2017, Springer.
- Luying Zhou, Huaqun Guo, Dong Li, Jun-Wen Wong, and Jianying Zhou.
"Mind the Gap: Security Analysis of Metro Platform Screen Door System". (SG-CRC'17)
Proceedings of
2017 Singapore Cyber Security R&D Conference,
pages 70--85, Singapore, February 2017, IOS Press.
- Jia Xu, Anjia Yang, Jianying Zhou, and Duncan Wong.
"Lightweight Delegatable Proofs of Storage". (ESORICS'16)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9878, Proceedings of
2016 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
pages 324--343, Heraklion, Greece, September 2016, Springer.
- Aldar Chan, Jun-Wen Wong, Jianying Zhou, and Joseph Teo.
"Scalable Two-factor Authentication using Historical Data". (ESORICS'16)
[US Patent 10230532]
[A*STAR Research]
[Straits Times]
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9878, Proceedings of
2016 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
pages 91--110, Heraklion, Greece, September 2016, Springer.
- Rui Xu, Kirill Morozov, Yanjiang Yang, Jianying Zhou, and Tsuyoshi Takagi.
"Privacy-Preserving k-Nearest Neighbour Query on Outsourced Database". (ACISP'16)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9722, Proceedings of
2016 Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy,
pages 181--197, Melbourne, Australia, July 2016, Springer.
- Weizhi Meng, Wenjuan Li, Duncan Wong, and Jianying Zhou.
"TMGuard: A Touch Movement-based Security Mechanism for Screen Unlock Patterns on Smartphones". (ACNS'16)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9696, Proceedings of
2016 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 629--647, London, UK, June 2016, Springer.
- Yanjiang Yang, Haibing Lu, Joseph Liu, Jian Weng, Youcheng Zhang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Credential Wrapping: From Anonymous Password Authentication to Anonymous Biometric Authentication". (AsiaCCS'16)
Proceedings of
2016 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
pages 141--151, Xian, China, June 2016, ACM Press.
- Jia Xu, Ee-Chien Chang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Directed Transitive Signature on Directed Tree". (SG-CRC'16)
Proceedings of
2016 Singapore Cyber Security R&D Conference,
pages 91--98, Singapore, January 2016, IOS Press.
- Jia Xu, Jianying Zhou, and Liming Lu
"Cyber and Physical Access Control in Legacy System Using Passwords". (SG-CRC'16)
Proceedings of
2016 Singapore Cyber Security R&D Conference,
pages 27--42, Singapore, January 2016, IOS Press.
- Yanjiang Yang, Joseph Liu, Kaitai Liang, Raymond Choo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Extended Proxy-Assisted Approach: Achieving Revocable Fine-Grained Encryption of Cloud Data". (ESORICS'15)
[Best Paper Award]
[A*STAR Research]
[Science Daily]
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9327, Proceedings of
2015 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
pages 146--166, Vienna, Austria, September 2015, Springer.
- Gerard Draper Gil, Josep Lluis Ferrer-Gomila, Francisca Hinarejos, and Jianying Zhou.
"On the Efficiency of Multi-Party Contract Signing Protocols". (ISC'15)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9290, Proceedings of
2015 Information Security Conference,
pages 227--243, Trondheim, Norway, September 2015, Springer.
- Joseph Liu, Man-Ho Au, Xinyi Huang, Willy Susilo, Jianying Zhou, and Yong Yu.
"New Insight to Preserve Online Survey Accuracy and Privacy in Big Data Era". (ESORICS'14)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8713, Proceedings of
2014 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
pages 182--199, Wroclaw, Poland, September 2014, Springer.
- Jinguang Han, Willy Susilo, Yi Mu, Jianying Zhou, and Man-Ho Au.
"PPDCP-ABE: Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Cipher-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption". (ESORICS'14)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8713, Proceedings of
2014 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
pages 73--90, Wroclaw, Poland, September 2014, Springer.
- Jia Xu and Jianying Zhou.
"Leakage Resilient Proofs of Ownership in Cloud Storage, Revisited". (ACNS'14)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8479, Proceedings of
2014 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 97--115, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2014, Springer.
- Yanjiang Yang, Xuhau Ding, Haibing Lu, Zhiguo Wan, and Jianying Zhou.
"Achieving Revocable Fine-Grained Cryptographic Access Control over Cloud Data". (ISC'13)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7807, Proceedings of
2013 Information Security Conference,
pages 293--308, Dallas, USA, November 2013, Springer.
- Yanjiang Yang, Xuhau Ding, Haibing Lu, Jian Weng, and Jianying Zhou.
"Self-blindable Credential: Towards Anonymous Entity Authentication Upon Resource-constrained Devices". (ISC'13)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7807, Proceedings of
2013 Information Security Conference,
pages 238--247, Dallas, USA, November 2013, Springer.
- Jin Han, Su-Mon Kywe, Qiang Yan, Feng Bao, Robert Deng, Debin Gao, Yingjiu Li, and Jianying Zhou.
"Launching Generic Attacks on iOS with Approved Third-Party Applications". (ACNS'13)
[A*STAR Research]
[Straits Times]
[Communications of the ACM]
[Computer World]
[Science Daily]
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7954, Proceedings of
2013 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 272--289, Banff, Canada, June 2013, Springer.
- Yi-Ruei Chen, Cheng-Kang Chu, Wen-Guey Tzeng, and Jianying Zhou.
"CloudHKA: A Cryptographic Approach for Hierarchical Access Control in Cloud Computing". (ACNS'13)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7954, Proceedings of
2013 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 37--52, Banff, Canada, June 2013, Springer.
- Cheng-Kang Chu, Joseph Liu, Jun-Wen Wong, Yunlei Zhao, and Jianying Zhou.
"Privacy-Preserving Smart Metering with Regional Statistics and Personal Enquiry Services". (AsiaCCS'13)
Proceedings of
2013 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security,
pages 369--379, Hangzhou, China, May 2013, ACM Press.
- Jia Xu, Ee-Chien Chang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Weak Leakage-Resilient Client-side Deduplication of Encrypted Data in Cloud Storage". (AsiaCCS'13)
Proceedings of
2013 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security,
pages 195--206, Hangzhou, China, May 2013, ACM Press.
- Qiang Yan, Jin Han, Yingjiu Li, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Designing Leakage-Resilient Password Entry on Touchscreen Mobile Devices". (AsiaCCS'13)
Proceedings of
2013 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security,
pages 37--48, Hangzhou, China, May 2013, ACM Press.
- Jin Han, Qiang Yan, Debin Gao, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Comparing Mobile Privacy Protection through Cross-Platform Applications". (NDSS'13)
[A*STAR Research]
Proceedings of
2013 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium,
San Diego, USA, February 2013, Internet Society Press.
- Yanjiang Yang, Haibing Lu, Jian Weng, Xuhua Ding, and Jianying Zhou.
"A Generic Approach for Providing Revocation Support in Secret Handshake". (ICICS'12)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7618, Proceedings of
2012 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 276--284, Hong Kong, China, October 2012, Springer.
- Tsz Hon Yuen, Joseph Liu, Xinyi Huang, Man Ho Au, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Forward Secure Attribute-Based Signatures". (ICICS'12)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7618, Proceedings of
2012 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 167--177, Hong Kong, China, October 2012, Springer.
- Joseph Liu, Man-Ho Au, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Enhancing Location Privacy for Electric Vehicles (at the right time)". (ESORICS'12)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7459, Proceedings of
2012 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
pages 397--414, Pisa, Italy, September 2012, Springer.
- Cheng-Kang Chu, Joseph Liu, Xinyi Huang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Verifier-Local Revocation Group Signatures with Time-Bound Keys". (AsiaCCS'12)
Proceedings of
2012 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security,
Seoul, Korea, May 2012, ACM Press.
- Wentao Zhu, Robert Deng, Jianying Zhou, and Feng Bao.
"Applying Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks". (ICICS'11)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7043, Proceedings of
2011 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 306--318, Beijing, China, November 2011, Springer.
- Joseph Liu, Tsz-Hon Yuen, and Jianying Zhou.
"Forward Secure Ring Signature without Random Oracles". (ICICS'11)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7043, Proceedings of
2011 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 1--14, Beijing, China, November 2011, Springer.
- Joseph Liu, Cheng-Kang Chu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Identity-Based Server-Aided Decryption". (ACISP'11)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6812, Proceedings of
2011 Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy,
pages 337--352, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011, Springer.
- Joseph Liu, Feng Bao, and Jianying Zhou.
"Short and Efficient Certificate-Based Signature". (WCNS'11)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6827, Proceedings of
2011 Workshop on Wireless Cooperative Network Security (with IFIP Networking'11),
pages 167--178, Valencia, Spain, May 2011, Springer.
- Tze-Hon Yuen, Joseph Liu, Man-Ho Au, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Threshold Ring Signature without Random Oracles". (AsiaCCS'11)
Proceedings of
2011 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security,
pages 261--267, Hong Kong, China, March 2011, ACM Press.
- Cheng-Kang Chu, Wentao Zhu, Sherman Chow, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Secure Mobile Subscription of Sensor-Encrypted Data". (AsiaCCS'11)
Proceedings of
2011 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security,
pages 228--237, Hong Kong, China, March 2011, ACM Press.
- Joonsang Baek and Jianying Zhou.
"Compact Identity-Based Encryption without Strong Symmetric Cipher". (AsiaCCS'11)
Proceedings of
2011 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security,
pages 61--70, Hong Kong, China, March 2011, ACM Press.
- Sherman Chow, Joseph Liu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Identity-Based Online/Offline Key Encapsulation and Encryption". (AsiaCCS'11)
Proceedings of
2011 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security,
pages 52--60, Hong Kong, China, March 2011, ACM Press.
- Joonsang Baek, Cheng-Kang Chu, and Jianying Zhou.
"On Shortening Ciphertexts: New Constructions for Compact Public Key and Stateful Encryption Schemes". (CT-RSA'11)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6558, Proceedings of
2011 Cryptographers' Track at the RSA Conference,
pages 302--318, San Francisco, USA, February 2011, Springer.
- Gerard Draper Gil, Jianying Zhou, and Josep Lluis Ferrer-Gomila.
"An Agent-Mediated Fair Exchange Protocol". (ICICS'10)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6476, Proceedings of
2010 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 235--250, Barcelona, Spain, December 2010, Springer.
- Yanjiang Yang, Jianying Zhou, Jun-Wen Wong, and Feng Bao.
"Towards Practical Anonymous Password Authentication". (ACSAC'10)
[ISO/IEC 20009-4]
Proceedings of
2010 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
pages 59--68, Austin, USA, December 2010, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Joseph Liu, Joonsang Baek, and Jianying Zhou.
"Online/Offline Identity-Based Signcryption Revisited". (Inscrypt'10)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6584, Proceedings of
2010 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology,
pages 36--51, Shanghai, China, October 2010, Springer.
- Jangseong Kim, Joonsang Baek, Kwangjo Kim, and Jianying Zhou.
"A Privacy-Preserving Secure Service Discovery Protocol for Ubiquitous Computing Environments". (EuroPKI'10)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6711, Proceedings of
2010 European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice,
pages 45--60, Athens, Greece, September 2010, Springer.
- Joseph Liu, Man-Ho Au, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Short Generic Transformation to Strongly Unforgeable Signature in the Standard Model". (ESORICS'10)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6345, Proceedings of
2010 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
pages 168--181, Athens, Greece, September 2010, Springer.
- Cheng-Kang Chu, Joseph Liu, Jianying Zhou, Feng Bao, and Robert Deng.
"Practical ID-based Encryption for Wireless Sensor Network". (AsiaCCS'10)
Proceedings of
2010 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security,
pages 337--340, Beijing, China, April 2010, ACM Press.
- Yanjiang Yang, Jianying Zhou, Robert Deng, and Feng Bao.
"Computationally Secure Hierarchical Self-Healing Key Distribution for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks". (ICICS'09)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5927, Proceedings of
2009 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 135--149, Beijing, China, December 2009, Springer.
- Joseph Liu, Man-Ho Au, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Online/Offline Ring Signature Scheme". (ICICS'09)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5927, Proceedings of
2009 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 80--90, Beijing, China, December 2009, Springer.
- Yanjiang Yang, Jian Weng, Jianying Zhou, and Ying Qiu.
"Optionally Identifiable Private Handshakes". (Inscrypt'09)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6151, Proceedings of
2009 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology,
pages 164--178, Beijing, China, December 2009, Springer.
- Yanjiang Yang, Jianying Zhou, Jian Weng, and Feng Bao.
"A New Approach for Anonymous Password Authentication". (ACSAC'09)
Proceedings of
2009 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
pages 199--208, Honolulu, USA, December 2009, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Yanjiang Yang, Yingjiu Li, Jian Weng, Jianying Zhou, and Feng Bao.
"Self-Enforcing Private Inference Control". (ProvSec'09)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5848, Proceedings of
2009 Provable Security Conference,
pages 260--274, Guangzhou, China, November 2009, Springer.
- Yanjiang Yang, Jianying Zhou, Robert Deng, and Feng Bao.
"Hierarchical Self-Healing Key Distribution for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks". (SecureComm'09)
Lecture Notes of ICST 19, Proceedings of
2009 International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks,
pages 285--295, Athens, Greece, September 2009, Springer.
- Cheng-Kang Chu, Jian Weng, Sherman Chow, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Conditional Proxy Broadcast Re-encryption". (ACISP'09)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5594, Proceedings of
2009 Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy,
pages 327--342, Brisbane, Australia, July 2009, Springer.
- Joseph Liu and Jianying Zhou.
"An Efficient Identity-Based Online/Offline Encryption Scheme". (ACNS'09)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5536, Proceedings of
2009 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 156--167, Paris, France, June 2009, Springer.
- Joonsang Baek, Willy Susilo, Joseph Liu, and Jianying Zhou.
"A New Variant of the Cramer-Shoup KEM Secure against Chosen Ciphertext Attack". (ACNS'09)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5536, Proceedings of
2009 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 143--155, Paris, France, June 2009, Springer.
- Yanjiang Yang, Robert Deng, Jianying Zhou, and Ying Qiu.
"Achieving Better Privacy Protection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Trusted Computing". (ISPEC'09)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5451, Proceedings of
2009 Information Security Practice and Experience Conference,
pages 384--395, Xian, China, April 2009, Springer.
- Joseph Liu, Joonsang Baek, and Jianying Zhou.
"Certificate-Based Sequential Aggregate Signature". (WiSec'09)
Proceedings of
2009 ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security,
pages 21--28, Zurich, Switzerland, March 2009, ACM Press.
- Ying Qiu, Jianying Zhou, Kouichi Sakurai, and Feng Bao.
"Trusted Connection between Mobile Nodes and Mobility Anchor Points in Hierarchical Mobile IPv6". (APTC'08)
Proceedings of
2008 Asia-Pacific Trusted Infrastructure Technologies Conference,
pages 55--63, Yangtze River, China, October 2008, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Yanjiang Yang, Robert Deng, Feng Bao, and Jianying Zhou.
"Using Trusted Computing Technology to Facilitate Security Enforcement in Wireless Sensor Networks". (APTC'08)
Proceedings of
2008 Asia-Pacific Trusted Infrastructure Technologies Conference,
pages 43--52, Yangtze River, China, October 2008, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Jung-Hoon Ha, Sang-Jae Moon, Jianying Zhou, and Jae-Cheol Ha.
"A New Formal Proof Model for RFID Location Privacy". (ESORICS'08)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5283, Proceedings of
2008 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
pages 267--281, Malaga, Spain, October 2008, Springer.
- Joseph Liu, Joonsang Baek, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Certificate-Based Signature Schemes without Pairings or Random Oracles". (ISC'08)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5222, Proceedings of
2008 Information Security Conference,
pages 285--297, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2008, Springer.
- Joonsang Baek, David Galindo, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Constructing Strong KEM from Weak KEM (or How to Revive the KEM/DEM Framework)". (SCN'08)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5229, Proceedings of
2008 Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks,
pages 358--374, Amalfi, Italy, September 2008, Springer.
- Joseph Liu and Jianying Zhou.
"Efficient Certificate-Based Encryption in the Standard Model". (SCN'08)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5229, Proceedings of
2008 Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks,
pages 144--155, Amalfi, Italy, September 2008, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou, Tanmoy Kanti Das, and Javier Lopez.
"An Asynchronous Node Replication Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks". (SEC'08)
Proceedings of
2008 IFIP International Information Security Conference,
pages 125--139, Milan, Italy, September 2008, Springer.
- Joonsang Baek, Han-Chiang Tan, Jianying Zhou, and Jun-Wen Wong.
"Realizing Stateful Public Key Encryption in Wireless Sensor Network". (SEC'08)
Proceedings of
2008 IFIP International Information Security Conference,
pages 95--107, Milan, Italy, September 2008, Springer.
- Han-Chiang Tan, Jun-Wen Wong, and Jianying Zhou.
"Implementation and Performance Analysis for Key Divergent and Evolution Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network". (MIMES'08)
Proceedings of
2008 International Workshop on Middleware for Mobile Embedded Peer-to-Peer Systems (with MobiQuitous'08),
Article No. 61, Dublin, Ireland, July 2008, ACM Press.
- Joonsang Baek, Jianying Zhou, and Feng Bao.
"Generic Constructions of Stateful Public Key Encryption and Their Applications". (ACNS'08)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5037, Proceedings of
2008 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 75--93, New York, USA, June 2008, Springer.
- Chunhua Su, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, Tsuyoshi Takagi, and Kouichi Sakurai.
"A New Scheme for Distributed Density Estimation based Privacy-Preserving Clustering". (AReS'08)
Proceedings of
2008 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security,
pages 112--119, Barcelona, Spain, March 2008, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Ying Qiu, Feng Bao, and Jianying Zhou.
"Firewall for Dynamic IP Address in Mobile IPv6". (ICICS'07)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4861, Proceedings of
2007 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 467--479, Zhengzhou, China, December 2007, Springer.
- Liying Li, Jianying Zhou, and Ning Xiao.
"DDoS Attack Detection Algorithms Based on Entropy Computing". (ICICS'07)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4861, Proceedings of
2007 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 452--466, Zhengzhou, China, December 2007, Springer.
- Zhuowei Li, Amitabha Das, and Jianying Zhou.
"Towards Automatic Assembly of Privacy-Preserved Intrusion Signatures". (TrustBus'07)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4657, Proceedings of
2007 International Conference on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business,
pages 54--64, Regensburg, Germany, September 2007, Springer.
- Mildrey Carbonell, Jose Maria Sierra, Jose Onieva, Javier Lopez, and Jianying Zhou.
"Estimation of TTP Features in Non-repudiation Service". (WICS'07)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4706, Proceedings of
2007 ICCSA Workshop on Internet Communications Security,
pages 549--558, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 2007, Springer.
- Shiqun Li, Guilin Wang, Jianying Zhou, and Kefei Chen.
"Undeniable Mobile Billing Schemes". (EuroPKI'07)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4582, Proceedings of
2007 European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice,
pages 338--345, Mallorca, Spain, June 2007, Springer.
- Joonsang Baek, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Fuzzy Identity-based Encryption: New and Efficient Schemes". (IWCC'07)
Proceedings of
2007 International Workshop on Coding and Cryptology,
pages 1--14, Wuyi Mountain, China, June 2007, World Scientific Press.
- Chunhua Su, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, Tsuyoshi Takagi, and Kouichi Sakurai.
"Privacy-Preserving Two-Party k-means Clustering via Secure Approximation". (DMIR'07)
Proceedings of
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Data Mining and Information Retrieval,
pages 385--391, Niagara Falls, Canada, May 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Zhuowei Li, Amitabha Das, and Jianying Zhou.
"Evaluating the Effects of Model Generalization on Intrusion Detection Performance". (SEC'07)
Proceedings of
2007 IFIP International Information Security Conference,
pages 421--432, Sandton, South Africa, May 2007, Springer.
- Chunhua Su, Jianying Zhou, Feng Bao, Tsuyoshi Takagi, and Kouichi Sakurai.
"Two-Party Privacy-Preserving Agglomerative Document Clustering". (ISPEC'07)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4464, Proceedings of
2007 Information Security Practice and Experience Conference,
pages 193--208, Hong Kong, China, May 2007, Springer.
- Joonsang Baek, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"New Constructions of Fuzzy Identity-Based Encryption". (AsiaCCS'07)
Proceedings of
2007 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security,
pages 368--370, Singapore, March 2007, ACM Press.
- Han-Chiang Tan, Jianying Zhou, and Ying Qiu.
"A Mobile Firewall Framework - Design and Implementation". (WCNC'07)
Proceedings of
2007 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference,
pages 2947--2952, Hong Kong, China, March 2007, IEEE Communications Society Press.
- Guilin Wang, Feng Bao, and Jianying Zhou.
"The Fairness of Perfect Concurrent Signatures". (ICICS'06)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4307, Proceedings of
2006 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 435--451, Raleigh, USA, December 2006, Springer.
- Huafei Zhu and Jianying Zhou.
"Finding Compact Reliable Broadcast in Unknown Fixed-Identity Networks". (ICICS'06)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4307, Proceedings of
2006 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 72--81, Raleigh, USA, December 2006, Springer.
- Shiqun Li, Shane Balfe, Jianying Zhou, and Kefei Chen.
"Enforcing Trust in Pervasive Computing with Trusted Computing Technology". (CRITIS'06)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4347, Proceedings of
2006 International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security,
pages 195--209, Samos Island, Greece, August 2006, Springer.
- Michal Ren, Tanmoy Kanti Das, and Jianying Zhou.
"Diverging Keys in Wireless Sensor Networks". (ISC'06)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4176, Proceedings of
2006 Information Security Conference,
pages 257--269, Samos Island, Greece, August 2006, Springer.
- Shane Balfe, Shiqun Li, and Jianying Zhou.
"Pervasive Trusted Computing". (SecPerU'06)
Proceedings of
2006 International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (with IEEE ICPS'06),
pages 88--94, Lyon, France, June 2006, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Nan Wei, Jianying Zhou, Yan Xin, and Liying Li.
"A Security Architecture for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks in Large-Scale Multinational Corporations". (ITST'06)
Proceedings of
2006 International Conference on ITS Telecommunications,
pages 846--849, Chengdu, China, June 2006.
- Jianying Zhou, Jose Onieva, and Javier Lopez.
"A Synchronous Multi-Party Contract Signing Protocol Improving Lower Bound of Steps". (SEC'06)
Proceedings of
2006 IFIP International Information Security Conference,
pages 221--232, Karlstad, Sweden, May 2006, Springer.
- Ying Qiu, Jianying Zhou, Feng Bao, and Robert Deng.
"Using Certificate-based Binding Update Protocol to Hide the Movement of Mobile Nodes in MIPv6". (VTC'06)
Proceedings of
63rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
pages 828--830, Melbourne, Australia, May 2006, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Press.
- Rodrigo Roman, Jianying Zhou, and Javier Lopez.
"Applying Intrusion Detection Systems to Wireless Sensor Networks". (CCNC'06)
Proceedings of
2006 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference,
pages 640--644, Las Vegas, USA, January 2006, IEEE Communications Society Press.
- Jung-Hoon Ha, Jianying Zhou, and Sang-Jae Moon.
"A Robust Double Auction Protocol Based on a Hybrid Trust Model". (ICISS'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3803, Proceedings of
2005 International Conference on Information Systems Security,
pages 77--90, Kolkata, India, December 2005, Springer.
- Subhamoy Maitra, Tanmoy Kanti Das, and Jianying Zhou.
"An Information Hiding Framework for Lightweight Mobile Devices with Digital Camera". (PReMI'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3776, Proceedings of
2005 International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence,
pages 491--496, Kolkata, India, December 2005, Springer.
- Jose Onieva, Javier Lopez, Jianying Zhou, and Rodrigo Roman.
"Extending an OMA-based DRM Framework with Non-repudiation Services". (ISSPIT'05)
Proceedings of
2005 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology,
pages 472--477, Athens, Greece, December 2005, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Di Ma, Robert Deng, Hwee-Hwa Pang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Authenticating Query Results in Data Publishing". (ICICS'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3783, Proceedings of
2005 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 376--388, Beijing, China, December 2005, Springer.
- Kenji Imamoto, Jianying Zhou, and Kouichi Sakurai.
"An Evenhanded Certified Email System for Contract Signing". (ICICS'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3783, Proceedings of
2005 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 1--13, Beijing, China, December 2005, Springer.
- Jose Onieva, Jianying Zhou, and Javier Lopez.
"Attacking an Asynchronous Multi-Party Contract Signing Protocol". (Indocrypt'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3797, Proceedings of
2005 International Conference on Cryptology in India,
pages 311--321, Bangalore, India, December 2005, Springer.
- Tanmoy Kanti Das and Jianying Zhou.
"Cryptanalysis of Barni et al Watermarking Scheme". (Indocrypt'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3797, Proceedings of
2005 International Conference on Cryptology in India,
pages 197--208, Bangalore, India, December 2005, Springer.
- Shiqun Li, Jianying Zhou, Xiangxue Li, and Kefei Chen.
"An Authentication Protocol for Pervasive Computing". (ISPA'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3758, Proceedings of
2005 International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications,
pages 553--563, Nanjing, China, November 2005, Springer.
- Ying Qiu, Jianying Zhou, Feng Bao, and Robert Deng.
"Protocol for Hiding Movement of Mobile Nodes in Mobile IPv6". (VTC'05)
Proceedings of
62nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
pages 812--815, Dallas, USA, September 2005, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Press.
- Ying Qiu, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Security Analysis and Improvement of Return Routability Protocol". (MADNES'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4074, Proceedings of
2005 Secure Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Sensors Workshop (with ISC'05),
pages 174--181, Singapore, September 2005, Springer.
- Guilin Wang, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"An Efficient Certified Email Scheme Suitable for Wireless Mobile Environments". (PIMRC'05)
Proceedings of
2005 IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications,
pages 1994--1998, Berlin, Germany, September 2005, IEEE Communications Society Press.
- Jung-Hoon Ha, Jianying Zhou, and Sang-Jae Moon.
"An Improved Double Auction Protocol against False Bids". (TrustBus'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3592, Proceedings of
2005 International Conference on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business,
pages 274--287, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2005, Springer.
- Zhuowei Li, Amitabha Das, and Jianying Zhou.
"Theoretical Basis for Intrusion Detection". (IAW'05)
Proceedings of
2005 IEEE Information Assurance Workshop,
pages 184--192, New York, USA, June 2005, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Press.
- Zhuowei Li, Amitabha Das, and Jianying Zhou.
"Model Generalization and its Implications on Intrusion Detection". (ACNS'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3531, Proceedings of
2005 International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,
pages 222--237, New York, USA, June 2005, Springer.
- Min-Hua Shao and Jianying Zhou.
"Rescuing Mobile Agent Data in Case of Blocking Attacks". (VTC'05)
Proceedings of
61st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
pages 2845--2849, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Press.
- Vrizlynn Thing, Henry Lee, Morris Sloman, and Jianying Zhou.
"Enhanced ICMP Traceback with Cumulative Path". (VTC'05)
Proceedings of
61st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
pages 2415--2419, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Press.
- Rodrigo Roman, Jianying Zhou, and Javier Lopez.
"Protection against Spam Using Pre-Challenges". (SEC'05)
Proceedings of
2005 IFIP International Information Security Conference,
pages 281 -- 293, Chiba, Japan, May 2005, Springer.
- Zhuowei Li, Amitabha Das, and Jianying Zhou.
"USAID: Unifying Signature-Based and Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection". (PAKDD'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3518, Proceedings of
2005 Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,
pages 702--712, Hanoi, Vietnam, May 2005, Springer.
- Min-Hua Shao, Jianying Zhou, and Guilin Wang.
"On the Security of a Certified Email Scheme with Temporal Authentication". (WICS'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3482, Proceedings of
2005 ICCSA Workshop on Internet Communications Security,
pages 701--710, Singapore, May 2005, Springer.
- Rodrigo Roman, Jianying Zhou, and Javier Lopez.
"On the Security of Wireless Sensor Networks". (WICS'05)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3482, Proceedings of
2005 ICCSA Workshop on Internet Communications Security,
pages 681--690, Singapore, May 2005, Springer.
- Guilin Wang, Feng Bao, and Jianying Zhou.
"On the Security of a Certified Email Scheme". (Indocrypt'04)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3348, Proceedings of
2004 International Conference on Cryptology in India,
pages 48--60, Chennai, India, December 2004, Springer.
- Tanmoy Kanti Das, Jianying Zhou, and Subhamoy Maitra.
"Cryptanalysis of a Wavelet Based Watermarking Scheme". (IWDW'04)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3304, Proceedings of
2004 International Workshop on Digital Watermarking,
pages 192--203, Seoul, Korea, October 2004, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou.
"On the Security of a Multi-Party Certified Email Protocol". (ICICS'04)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3269, Proceedings of
2004 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 40--52, Malaga, Spain, October 2004, Springer.
- Ying Qiu, Jianying Zhou, and Feng Bao.
"Design and Optimize Firewall for Mobile Networks". (VTC'04)
Proceedings of
60th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
pages 3301--3305, Los Angles, USA, September 2004, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Press.
- Jianying Zhou, Jose Onieva, and Javier Lopez.
"Protecting Free Roaming Agents against Result-Truncation Attack". (VTC'04)
Proceedings of
60th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
pages 3271--3274, Los Angles, USA, September 2004, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Press.
- Guilin Wang, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Proxy Signature Scheme with Multiple Original Signers for Wireless E-Commerce Applications". (VTC'04)
Proceedings of
60th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
pages 3249--3253, Los Angles, USA, September 2004, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Press.
- Ying Qiu, Jianying Zhou, and Feng Bao.
"Mobile Personal Firewall". (PIMRC'04)
Proceedings of
2004 IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications,
pages 2866--2870, Barcelona, Spain, September 2004, IEEE Communications Society Press.
- Guilin Wang, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"On the Security of Lee-Hwang Group-Oriented Undeniable Signature Schemes". (TrustBus'04)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3184, Proceedings of
2004 International Conference on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business,
pages 289--298, Zaragoza, Spain, September 2004, Springer.
- Feng Bao, Guilin Wang, Jianying Zhou, and Huafei Zhu.
"Analysis and Improvement of Micali's Fair Contract Signing Protocol". (ACISP'04)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3108, Proceedings of
2004 Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy,
pages 176--187, Sydney, Australia, July 2004, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou, Jose Onieva, and Javier Lopez.
"Analysis of a Free Roaming Agent Result-Truncation Defense Scheme". (CEC'04)
Proceedings of
2004 IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce,
pages 221--226, San Diego, USA, July 2004, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Jose Onieva, Jianying Zhou, and Javier Lopez.
"Enhancing Certified Email Service for Timeliness and Multicast". (INC'04)
Proceedings of
2004 International Network Conference,
pages 327--336, Plymouth, UK, July 2004.
- Mildrey Carbonell, Jose Onieva, Javier Lopez, Deborah Galpert, and Jianying Zhou.
"Timeout Estimation using a Simulation Model for Non-repudiation Protocols". (WICS'04)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3043, Proceedings of
2004 ICCSA Workshop on Internet Communications Security,
pages 903--914, Perugia, Italy, May 2004, Springer.
- Ying Qiu, Jianying Zhou, and Feng Bao.
"Protecting All Traffic Channels in Mobile IPv6 Network". (WCNC'04)
Proceedings of
2004 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference,
pages 160--165, Atlanta, USA, March 2004, IEEE Communications Society Press.
- Divyan Konidala, Robert Deng, Jianying Zhou, and Kwangjo Kim.
"A Secure and Privacy Enhanced Location-based Service Transaction Protocol in Ubiquitous Computing Environment". (SCIS'04)
Proceedings of
2004 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security,
pages 931--936, Sendai, Japan, January 2004.
- Guilin Wang, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Security Analysis of Some Proxy Signatures". (ICISC'03)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2971, Proceedings of
2003 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology,
pages 305--319, Seoul, Korea, November 2003, Springer.
- Jose Onieva, Jianying Zhou, and Javier Lopez.
"Practical Service Charge for P2P Content Distribution". (ICICS'03)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2836, Proceedings of
2003 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 112--123, Huhehaote, China, October 2003, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou, Feng Bao, and Robert Deng.
"An Efficient Public-Key Framework". (ICICS'03)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2836, Proceedings of
2003 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 88--99, Huhehaote, China, October 2003, Springer.
- Guilin Wang, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Security Remarks on a Group Signature Scheme with Member Deletion". (ICICS'03)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2836, Proceedings of
2003 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 72--83, Huhehaote, China, October 2003, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou, Feng Bao, and Robert Deng.
"Validating Digital Signatures without TTP's Time-Stamping and Certificate Revocation". (ISC'03)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2851, Proceedings of
2003 Information Security Conference,
pages 96--110, Bristol, UK, October 2003, Springer.
- Anantharaman Lakshminarayanan and Jianying Zhou.
"FlexiCert: Merging X.509 Identity Certificates and Attribute Certificates". (TrustBus'03)
Proceedings of
2003 DEXA International Workshop on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business,
pages 489--493, Prague, Czech, September 2003, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Jianying Zhou.
"Efficient Signature Validation Based on a New PKI". (EC-Web'03)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2738, Proceedings of
2003 International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies,
pages 94--103, Prague, Czech, September 2003, Springer.
- Jose Onieva, Jianying Zhou, Mildrey Carbonell, and Javier Lopez.
"Intermediary Non-repudiation Protocols". (CEC'03)
Proceedings of
2003 IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce,
pages 207--214, Newport Beach, USA, June 2003, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Jose Onieva, Jianying Zhou, Mildrey Carbonell, and Javier Lopez.
"A Multi-Party Non-repudiation Protocol for Exchange of Different Messages". (SEC'03)
Proceedings of
2003 IFIP International Information Security Conference,
pages 37--48, Athens, Greece, May 2003, Kluwer.
- Robert Deng, Jianying Zhou, and Feng Bao.
"Defending against Redirect Attacks in Mobile IP". (CCS'02)
[US Patent 7233782]
Proceedings of
2002 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
pages 59--67, Washington DC, USA, November 2002, ACM Press.
- Chunfu Tan and Jianying Zhou.
"An Electronic Payment Scheme Allowing Special Rates for Anonymous Regular Customers". (TrustBus'02)
Proceedings of
2002 DEXA International Workshop on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business,
pages 428--432, Aix-en-Provence, France, September 2002, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Jianying Zhou.
"Maintaining the Validity of Digital Signatures in B2B Applications". (ACISP'02)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2384, Proceedings of
2002 Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy,
pages 303--315, Melbourne, Australia, July 2002, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou and Chunfu Tan.
"Playing Lottery on the Internet". (ICICS'01)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2229, Proceedings of
2001 International Conference on Information and Communications Security,
pages 189--201, Xian, China, November 2001, Springer.
- Feng Bao, Robert Deng, and Jianying Zhou.
"Electronic Payment Systems with Fair On-line Verification". (SEC'00)
Proceedings of
2000 IFIP International Information Security Conference,
pages 451--460, Beijing, China, August 2000, Kluwer.
- Jianying Zhou, Robert Deng, and Feng Bao.
"Some Remarks on a Fair Exchange Protocol". (PKC'00)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1751, Proceedings of
2000 International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography,
pages 46--57, Melbourne, Australia, January 2000, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou, Robert Deng, and Feng Bao.
"Evolution of Fair Non-repudiation with TTP". (ACISP'99)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1587, Proceedings of
1999 Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy,
pages 258--269, Wollongong, Australia, April 1999, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou and Kwok-Yan Lam.
"A Secure Pay-per-view Scheme for Web-based Video Service". (PKC'99)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1560, Proceedings of
1999 International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography,
pages 315--326, Kamakura, Japan, March 1999, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou and Kwok-Yan Lam.
"Undeniable Billing in Mobile Communication". (MobiCom'98)
Proceedings of
1998 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking,
pages 284--290, Dallas, USA, October 1998, ACM Press.
- Jianying Zhou and Dieter Gollmann.
"Towards Verification of Non-repudiation Protocols". (IRW'98)
Proceedings of
1998 International Refinement Workshop and Formal Methods Pacific,
pages 370--380, Canberra, Australia, September 1998, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou and Dieter Gollmann.
"An Efficient Non-repudiation Protocol". (CSFW'97)
Proceedings of
1997 IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop,
pages 126--132, Rockport, USA, June 1997, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Jianying Zhou and Dieter Gollmann.
"Observations on Non-repudiation". (Asiacrypt'96)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1163, Proceedings of
pages 133--144, Kyongju, Korea, November 1996, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou and Dieter Gollmann.
"Certified Electronic Mail". (ESORICS'96)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1146, Proceedings of
1996 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
pages 160--171, Rome, Italy, September 1996, Springer.
- Jianying Zhou and Dieter Gollmann.
"A Fair Non-repudiation Protocol". (S&P'96)
[citation >500]
Proceedings of
1996 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy,
pages 55--61, Oakland, USA, May 1996, IEEE Computer Society Press.
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2009 | 2008 | 2007 |
2006 | 2005 | 2004 |
2002-2000 | 1999-1997]
- Qian Chen, Zilong Wang, Mengqing Yan, Haonan Yan, Xiaodong Lin, and Jianying Zhou.
"DeFedGCN: Privacy-preserving Decentralized Federated GCN for Recommender System".
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Ruonan Chen, Yang Zhang, Dawei Li, Yizhong Liu, Jianwei Liu, Qianhong Wu, Jianying Zhou, and Willy Susilo.
"Bitcoin-Compatible Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Payment Channels Supporting Variable Amounts".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 20:2984--2998, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
March 2025.
- Xiaoyuan Liu, Hongwei Li, Guowen Xu, Xilin Zhang, Tianwei Zhang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Secure and Lightweight Feature Selection for Horizontal Federated Learning".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 20:1487--1502, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
February 2025.
- Awais Yousaf, Ahmed Amro, Philip Kwa, Meixuan Li, and Jianying Zhou.
"Cyber Risk Assessment of Cyber-enabled Autonomous Cargo Vessel".
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 46:100695, Elsevier,
September 2024.
- Qian Chen, Zheng Chai, Zilong Wang, Haonan Yan, Xiaodong Lin, and Jianying Zhou.
"QP-LDP for Better Global Model Performance in Federated Learning".
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 11(15): 25968--25981, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
August 2024.
- Jianying Zhou.
"The Need of Testbeds for Cyber-Physical System Security".
IEEE Security & Privacy, 22(4):4--6, IEEE Computer Society Press,
July/August 2024.
- Zheng Yang, Chenglu Jin, Xuelian Cao, Marten van Dijk, and Jianying Zhou.
"Optimizing Proof of Aliveness in Cyber-Physical Systems".
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 21(4):3610--3628, IEEE Computer Society Press,
July 2024.
- Awais Yousaf and Jianying Zhou.
"From Sinking to Saving: MITRE ATT&CK and D3FEND Frameworks for Maritime Cybersecurity".
International Journal of Information Security, 23(3):1603--1618, Springer,
June 2024.
- Xuelian Cao, Zheng Yang, Jianting Ning, Chenglu Jin, Rongxing Lu, Zhiming Liu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Dynamic Group Time-based One-time Passwords".
[SUTD Research News]
[Asia Research News]
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 19:4897--4913, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
April 2024.
- Zengpeng Li, Mei Wang, Teik-Guan Tan, and Jianying Zhou.
"Funder: Future-Proof Unbiased Decentralized Randomness".
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 11(6):10352--10367, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
March 2024.
- Rui Zhang, Lei Zhang, Qian Wu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Secure Channel Establishment Scheme for Task Delivery in Vehicular Cloud Computing".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 19:2865--2880, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
January 2024.
- Yangguang Tian, Bowen Liu, Yingjiu Li, Pawel Szalachowski, and Jianying Zhou.
"Accountable Fine-Grained Blockchain Rewriting in the Permissionless Setting".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 19:1756--1766, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
January 2024.
- Anthony Yeo, Matheus Garbelini, Sudipta Chattopadhyay, and Jianying Zhou.
"VitroBench: Manipulating In-vehicle Networks and COTS ECUs on Your Bench".
Vehicular Communications, 43:100649, Elsevier,
October 2023.
- Teik-Guan Tan, Jianying Zhou, Vishal Sharma, and Saraju Mohanty.
"Post-Quantum Adversarial Modelling: A User's Perspective".
IEEE Computer, 56(8):58--67, IEEE Computer Society Press,
August 2023.
- Boyu Kuang, Anmin Fu, Yansong Gao, Yuqing Zhang, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"FeSA: Automatic Federated Swarm Attestation on Dynamic Large-Scale IoT Devices".
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 20(4):2954--2969, IEEE Computer Society Press,
July 2023.
- Aldar Chan and Jianying Zhou.
"Non-intrusive Protection for Legacy SCADA Systems".
IEEE Communications Magazine, 61(6):36--42, IEEE Communications Society Press,
June 2023.
- Ann-Yi Wong, Eyasu Getahun Chekole, Mart n Ochoa, and Jianying Zhou.
"On the Security of Containers: Threat Modeling, Attack Analysis, and Mitigation Strategies".
Computers & Security, 128:103140, Elsevier,
May 2023.
- Chenglu Jin, Zheng Yang, Tao Xiang, Sridhar Adepu, and Jianying Zhou.
"HMACCE: Establishing Authenticated and Confidential Channel from Historical Data for Industrial Internet of Things".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 18:1080--1094, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
January 2023.
- Trupil Limbasiya, Zheng-Teng Ko, Sudipta Chattopadhyay, and Jianying Zhou.
"A Systematic Survey of Attack Detection and Prevention in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles".
Vehicular Communications, 37:100515, Elsevier,
October 2022.
- Shanshan Li, Chunxiang Xu, Yuan Zhang, and Jianying Zhou.
"A Secure Two-factor Authentication Scheme from Password-Protected Hardware Tokens".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 17:3525--3538, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
September 2022.
- Vishal Sharma, Zengpeng Li, Pawel Szalachowski, Teik-Guan Tan, and Jianying Zhou.
"Reinshard: An Optimally Sharded Dual-Blockchain for Concurrency Resolution".
ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice, 1(1), ACM Press,
September 2022.
- Teik-Guan Tan, Pawel Szalachowski, and Jianying Zhou.
"Challenges of Post-Quantum Digital Signing in Real-world Applications: A Survey".
International Journal of Information Security, 21(4):937--952, Springer,
August 2022.
- Bowen Liu, Qiang Tang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Modular Framework for Constructing IoT-Server AKE in Post-Quantum Setting".
IEEE Access, 10:71598--71611,
July 2022.
- Shiwei Xu, Xiaowen Cai, Yizhi Zhao, Zhengwei Ren, Le Du, Qin Wang, and Jianying Zhou.
"zkrpChain: Towards Multi-Party Privacy-Preserving Data Auditing for Consortium Blockchains based on Zero-Knowledge Range Proofs".
Future Generation Computer Systems, 128:490--504, Elsevier,
March 2022.
- Flavio Toffalini, Andrea Oliveri, Mariano Graziano, Jianying Zhou, and Davide Balzarotti.
"The Evidence beyond the Wall: Memory Forensics in SGX Environments".
Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 39:301313, Elsevier,
December 2021.
- Edwin Franco, Sridhar Adepu, Zheng Yang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Enabling Isolation and Recovery in PLC Redundancy Framework of Metro Train Systems".
International Journal of Information Security, 20(6):783--795, Springer,
December 2021.
- Zheng Yang, Sridhar Adepu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Opportunities and Challenges in Securing Critical Infrastructures through Cryptography".
IEEE Security & Privacy, 19(5):57--65, IEEE Computer Society Press,
September/October 2021.
- Shengmin Xu, Jianting Ning, Xinyi Huang, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Server-Aided Bilateral Access Control for Secure Data Sharing with Dynamic User Groups".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 16:4746--4761, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
September 2021.
- Peng Zhou, Xiaojing Gu, Surya Nepal, and Jianying Zhou.
"Modeling Social Worm Propagation for Advanced Persistent Threats".
Computers & Security, 108:102321, Elsevier,
September 2021.
- Weizhi Meng, Wenjuan Li, and Jianying Zhou.
"Enhancing the Security of Blockchain-based Software Defined Networking through Trust-based Traffic Fusion and Filtration".
Information Fusion, 70:60--71, Elsevier,
June 2021.
- Kai-Ren Teo, Balamurali B T, Jianying Zhou, and Jer-Ming Chen.
"Categorizing Touch-input Locations from Touchscreen Device Interfaces via On-board Mechano-Acoustic Transducers".
Applied Sciences, 11(11):4834, MDPI,
June 2021.
- Jia Xu and Jianying Zhou.
"Strong Leakage Resilient Encryption: Enhancing Data Confidentiality by Hiding Partial Ciphertext".
International Journal of Information Security, 20(2):141--159, Springer,
April 2021.
- Zengpeng Li, Zheng Yang, Pawel Szalachowski, and Jianying Zhou.
"Building Low-Interactivity Multi-Factor Authenticated Key Exchange for Industrial Internet-of-Things".
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(2):844--859, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
January 2021.
- Anjia Yang, Jia Xu, Jian Weng, Jianying Zhou, and Duncan Wong.
"Lightweight and Privacy-Preserving Delegatable Proofs of Storage with Data Dynamics in Cloud Storage".
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 9(1):212--225, IEEE Computer Society Press,
January 2021.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed and Jianying Zhou.
"Challenges and Opportunities in Cyber-Physical Systems Security: A Physics-based Perspective".
IEEE Security & Privacy, 18(6):14--22, IEEE Computer Society Press,
November/December 2020.
- Zheng Yang, Jun He, Yangguang Tian, and Jianying Zhou.
"Faster Authenticated Key Agreement with Perfect Forward Secrecy for Industrial Internet-of-Things".
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(10):6584--6596, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Press,
October 2020.
- Tanmoy Kanti Das, Sridhar Adepu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems using Logical Analysis of Data".
Computers & Security, 96:101935, Elsevier,
September 2020.
- Sridhar Adepu, Nandha Kumar Kandasamy, Jianying Zhou, and Aditya Mathur.
"Attacks on Smart Grid: Power Supply Interruption and Malicious Power Generation".
International Journal of Information Security, 19(2):189--211, Springer,
April 2020.
- Tao Zhang, Wang-Hao Lee, Mingyuan Gao, and Jianying Zhou.
"File Guard: Automatic Format-Based Media File Sanitization".
International Journal of Information Security, 18(6):701--713, Springer,
December 2019.
- Hoon-Wei Lim, William Temple, Bao Anh Tran, Binbin Chen, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, and Jianying Zhou.
"Data Integrity Threats and Countermeasures in Railway Spot Transmission Systems".
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 4(1), ACM Press,
November 2019.
- Andrei Bytes, Sridhar Adepu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Towards Semantic Sensitive Feature Profiling of IoT Devices".
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(5):8056--8064, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
October 2019.
- Zheng Yang, Junyu Lai, Yingbing Sun, and Jianying Zhou.
"A Novel Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol with Dynamic Credential for WSNs".
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 15(2), ACM Press,
February 2019.
- Dong Li, Huaqun Guo, Jianying Zhou, Luying Zhou, and Jun-Wen Wong.
"SCADAWall: A CPI-Enabled Firewall Model for SCADA Security".
[US Patent 11546295]
Computers & Security, 80:134--154, Elsevier,
January 2019.
- Yuan Zhang, Chunxiang Xu, Hongwei Li, Kan Yang, Jianying Zhou, and Xiaodong Lin.
"HealthDep: An Efficient and Secure Deduplication Scheme for Cloud-Assisted eHealth Systems".
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14(9):4101--4112, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Press,
September 2018.
- Weizhi Meng, Wenjuan Li, Chunhua Su, Jianying Zhou, and Rongxing Lu.
"Enhancing Trust Management for Wireless Intrusion Detection via Traffic Sampling in the Era of Big Data".
IEEE Access, 6:7234--7243,
March 2018.
- Peng Zhou, Rocky Chang, Xiaojing Gu, Minrui Fei, and Jianying Zhou.
"Magic Train: Design of Measurement Methods against Bandwidth Inflation Attacks".
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 15(1):98--111, IEEE Computer Society Press,
January 2018.
- Rui Xu, Kirill Morozov, Yanjiang Yang, Jianying Zhou, and Tsuyoshi Takagi.
"Efficient Outsourcing of Secure k-Nearest Neighbour Query over Encrypted Database".
Computers & Security, 69:65--83, Elsevier,
August 2017.
- Man-Ho Au, Joseph Liu, Zhenfei Zhang, Willy Susilo, Jin Li, and Jianying Zhou.
"Anonymous Announcement System (AAS) for Electric Vehicle in VANETs".
The Computer Journal, 60(4):588--599, Oxford University Press,
March 2017.
- Joseph Liu, Willy Susilo, Tsz-Hon Yuen, Man-Ho Au, Junbin Fang, Zoe Jiang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Efficient Privacy-Preserving Charging Station Reservation System for Electric Vehicles".
The Computer Journal, 59(7):1040--1053, Oxford University Press,
July 2016.
- Rodrigo Roman, Miguel Rodel Felipe, Phua Eu Gene, and Jianying Zhou.
"Complying with Security Requirements in Cloud Storage Systems".
Journal of Computers, 11(3):201--206, Academy Publisher,
May 2016.
- Aldar Chan and Jianying Zhou.
"A Secure, Intelligent Electric Vehicle Ecosystem for Safe Integration with the Smart Grid".
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(6):3367--3376, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Press,
December 2015.
- Tsz-Hon Yuen, Joseph Liu, Man-Ho Au, Xinyi Huang, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"K-times Attribute-based Anonymous Access Control for Cloud Computing".
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64(9):2595--2608, IEEE Computer Society Press,
September 2015.
- Li Xu, Xinyu Chen, Jie Li, Xinyi Huang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Cross-layer Design in Wireless Multi-hop Networks: A Bargaining Game Theoretic Analysis".
Telecommunication Systems, 60(1):149--158, Springer,
September 2015.
- Weizhi Meng, Duncan Wong, Steven Furnell, and Jianying Zhou.
"Surveying the Development of Biometric User Authentication on Mobile Phones".
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17(3):1268--1293, IEEE Communications Society Press,
July 2015.
- Jiguo Li, Huiyun Teng, Xinyi Huang, Yichen Zhang, and Jianying Zhou.
"A Forward-Secure Certificate-Based Signature Scheme".
The Computer Journal, 58(4):853--866, Oxford University Press,
April 2015.
- Xinyi Huang, Joseph Liu, Shaohua Tang, Yang Xiang, Kaitai Liang, Li Xu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Cost-Effective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with Forward Security".
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64(4):971--983, IEEE Computer Society Press,
April 2015.
- Jinguang Han, Willy Susilo, Yi Mu, Jianying Zhou, and Man-Ho Au.
"Improving Privacy and Security in Decentralized Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based Encryption".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 10(3):665--678, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
March 2015.
- Peng Zhou, Siwei Jiang, Athirai Aravazhi Irissappane, Jie Zhang, Jianying Zhou, and Joseph Teo.
"Towards Energy-Efficient Trust System through Watchdog Optimization for WSNs".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 10(3):613--625, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
March 2015.
- Qiang Yan, Jin Han, Yingjiu Li, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Leakage-Resilient Password Entry: Challenges, Design, and Evaluation".
Computers & Security, 48:196--211, Elsevier,
February 2015.
- Joseph Liu, Cheng-Kang Chu, Sherman Chow, Xinyi Huang, Man-Ho Au, and Jianying Zhou.
"Time-Bound Anonymous Authentication for Roaming Networks".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 10(1):178--189, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
January 2015.
- Xinyi Huang, Yang Xiang, Elisa Bertino, Jianying Zhou, and Li Xu.
"Robust Multi-Factor Authentication for Fragile Communications".
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 11(6):568--581, IEEE Computer Society Press,
November 2014.
- Aldar Chan and Jianying Zhou.
"Cyber-Physical Device Authentication for the Smart Grid Electric Vehicle Ecosystem".
[A*STAR Research]
[Science Daily]
[Charged EV Magazine]
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 32(7):1509--1517, IEEE Communications Society Press,
July 2014.
- Kaitai Liang, Cheng-Kang Chu, Xiao Tan, Duncan Wong, Chunming Tang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Chosen-ciphertext Secure Multi-hop Identity-based Conditional Proxy Re-encryption with Constant-size Ciphertexts".
Theoretical Computer Science, 539:87--105, Elsevier,
June 2014.
- Cheng-Kang Chu, Sherman Chow, Wen-Guey Tzeng, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Key-Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage".
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(2):468--477, IEEE Computer Society Press,
February 2014.
- Chunhua Su, Jianying Zhou, Feng Bao, Tsuyoshi Takagi, and Kouichi Sakurai.
"Collaborative Agglomerative Document Clustering with Limited Information Disclosure".
Security and Communication Networks, 7(6):964--978, Wiley InterScience,
January 2014.
- Man-Ho Au, Joseph Liu, Junbin Fang, Zoe Jiang, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"A New Payment System for Enhancing Location Privacy of Electric Vehicles".
[A*STAR Research]
[Science Daily]
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 63(1):3--18, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Press,
January 2014.
- Joseph Liu, Man-Ho Au, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Linkable Ring Signature with Unconditional Anonymity".
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 26(1):157--165, IEEE Computer Society Press,
January 2014.
- Man-Ho Au, Joseph Liu, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Realizing Fully Secure Unrestricted ID-based Ring Signature in the Standard Model based on HIBE".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 8(12):1909--1922, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
December 2013.
- Wei Wu, Jianying Zhou, Yang Xiang, and Li Xu.
"How to Achieve Non-repudiation of Origin with Privacy Protection in Cloud Computing".
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 79(8):1200--1213, Elsevier,
December 2013.
- Cheng-Kang Chu, Wentao Zhu, Jin Han, Joseph Liu, Jia Xu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Security Concerns in Popular Cloud Storage Services".
[A*STAR Research]
[Science Daily]
IEEE Pervasive Computing, 12(4):50--57, IEEE Computer Society Press,
October 2013.
- Gerard Draper Gil, Josep Lluis Ferrer-Gomila, Francisca Hinarejos, and Jianying Zhou.
"An Asynchronous Optimistic Protocol for Atomic Multi-Two-Party Contract Signing".
The Computer Journal, 56(10):1258--1267, Oxford University Press,
October 2013.
- Gerard Draper Gil, Jianying Zhou, Josep Lluis Ferrer-Gomila, and Francisca Hinarejos.
"An Optimistic Fair Exchange Protocol With Active Intermediaries".
International Journal of Information Security, 12(4):299--318, Springer,
August 2013.
- Abror Abduvaliyev, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Jianying Zhou, Rodrigo Roman, and Lawrence Wong.
"On the Vital Areas of Intrusion Detection Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks".
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 15(3):1223--1237, IEEE Communications Society Press,
July 2013.
- Rodrigo Roman, Jianying Zhou, and Javier Lopez.
"On the Features and Challenges of Security & Privacy in Distributed Internet of Things".
[citation >1000]
Computer Networks, 57(10):2266--2279, Elsevier,
July 2013.
- Tsz-Hon Yuen, Joseph Liu, Man-Ho Au, Willy Susilo, and Jianying Zhou.
"Efficient Linkable and/or Threshold Ring Signature without Random Oracles".
The Computer Journal,56(4):407--421, Oxford University Press,
April 2013.
- Aldar Chan and Jianying Zhou.
"On Smart Grid Cybersecurity Standardization: Issues of Designing with the NISTIR 7628".
[A*STAR Research]
IEEE Communications Magazine, 51(1):58--65, IEEE Communications Society Press,
January 2013.
- Xinyi Huang, Cheng-Kang Chu, Hung-Min Sun, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Enhanced Authentication for Commercial Video Services".
Security and Communication Networks, 5(11):1248--1259, Wiley InterScience,
November 2012.
- Wentao Zhu, Jianying Zhou, Robert Deng, and Feng Bao.
"Detecting Node Replication Attacks in Mobile Sensor Networks: Theory and Approaches".
Security and Communication Networks, 5(5):496--507, Wiley InterScience,
May 2012.
- Wentao Zhu, Jianying Zhou, Robert Deng, and Feng Bao.
"Detecting Node Replication Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey".
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 35(3):1022--1034, Elsevier,
May 2012.
- Jangseong Kim, Joonsang Baek, Jianying Zhou, and Taeshik Shon.
"An Efficient and Secure Service Discovery Protocol for Ubiquitous Computing Environments".
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E95-D(1):117--125, IEICE Press,
January 2012.
- Chunhua Su, Yingjiu Li, Yunlei Zhao, Robert Deng, Yiming Zhao, and Jianying Zhou.
"A Survey on Privacy Frameworks for RFID Authentication".
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E95-D(1):2--11, IEICE Press,
January 2012.
- Cristina Alcaraz, Javier Lopez, Jianying Zhou, and Rodrigo Roman.
"Secure SCADA Framework for the Protection of Energy Control Systems".
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 23(12):1431--1442, Wiley InterScience,
August 2011.
- Xinyi Huang, Yang Xiang, Ashley Chonka, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"A Generic Framework for Three-Factor Authentication: Preserving Security and Privacy in Distributed Systems".
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 22(8):1390--1397, IEEE Computer Society Press,
August 2011.
- Xinyi Huang, Yi Mu, Willy Susilo, Wei Wu, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Preserving Transparency and Accountability in Optimistic Fair Exchange of Digital Signatures".
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 6(2):498--512, IEEE Signal Processing Society Press,
June 2011.
- Wentao Zhu, Yang Xiang, Jianying Zhou, Robert Deng, and Feng Bao.
"Secure Localization with Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks".
International Journal of Information Security, 10(3):155--171, Springer,
June 2011.
- Yanjiang Yang, Jianying Zhou, Robert Deng, and Feng Bao.
"Better Security Enforcement in Trusted Computing Enabled Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks".
Security and Communication Networks, 4(1):11--22, Wiley InterScience,
January 2011.
- Joseph Liu, Joonsang Baek, Jianying Zhou, Yanjiang Yang, and Jun-Wen Wong.
"Efficient Online/Offline Identity-Based Signature for Wireless Sensor Network".
[ISO/IEC 29192-4]
International Journal of Information Security, 9(4):287--296, Springer,
August 2010.
- Wentao Zhu, Robert Deng, Jianying Zhou, and Feng Bao.
"Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment: An Overview".
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E93-D(5):1044--1052, IEICE Press,
May 2010.
- Ying Qiu, Jianying Zhou, Joonsang Baek, and Javier Lopez.
"Authentication and Key Establishment in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks".
Sensors, 10(4):3718--3731, MDPI Publishing,
April 2010.
- Shiqun Li, Guilin Wang, Jianying Zhou, and Kefei Chen.
"Fair and Secure Mobile Billing Systems".
Wireless Personal Communications, 51(1):81--93, Springer,
October 2009.
- Chunhua Su, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, Tsuyoshi Takagi, and Kouichi Sakurai.
"Distributed Noise Generation for Density Estimation Based Clustering without Trusted Third Party".
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,
E92-A(8):1868--1871, IEICE Press,
August 2009.
- Chunhua Su, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, Tsuyoshi Takagi, and Kouichi Sakurai.
"Security and Correctness Analysis on Privacy-Preserving k-means Clustering Schemes".
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,
E92-A(4):1246--1250, IEICE Press,
April 2009.
- Jose Onieva, Jianying Zhou, and Javier Lopez.
"Multi-Party Non-repudiation: A Survey".
ACM Computing Surveys, 41(1), ACM Press,
December 2008.
- Kenji Imamoto, Jianying Zhou, and Kouichi Sakurai.
"Achieving Evenhandedness in Certified Email System for Contract Signing".
International Journal of Information Security, 7(6):383--394, Springer,
November 2008.
- Zhuowei Li, Amitabha Das, Jianying Zhou, and Jagdish Patra.
"Variable-Length Signatures for Intrusion Detection".
Computer Systems Science & Engineering, 23(3):183--192, CRL Publishing,
May 2008.
- Shiqun Li, Shane Balfe, Jianying Zhou, and Kefei Chen.
"Enforcing Trust in Pervasive Computing".
International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 1(1/2):96--110, Inderscience,
- Jianying Zhou, Wee-Yung Chin, Rodrigo Roman, and Javier Lopez.
"An Effective Multi-Layered Defense Framework against Spam".
Information Security Technical Report, 12(3):179--185, Elsevier,
- Jung-Hoon Ha, Jianying Zhou, and Sang-Jae Moon.
"A Secure Double Auction Protocol against False Bids".
Decision Support Systems, 44(1):147--158, Elsevier,
November 2007.
- Jose Onieva, Javier Lopez, Rodrigo Roman, Jianying Zhou, and Stefanos Gritzalis.
"Integration of Non-repudiation Services in Mobile DRM Scenarios".
Telecommunication Systems, 35(3/4):161--176, Springer,
August 2007.
- Robert Deng, Ying Qiu, Jianying Zhou, and Feng Bao.
"Techniques for Hiding Mobile Node's Location Movement Information in Mobile IP".
China Communications, 4(1):85--94, China Institute of Communications,
February 2007.
- Min-Hua Shao, Guilin Wang, and Jianying Zhou.
"Some Common Attacks against Certified Email Protocols and the Countermeasures".
Computer Communications, 29(15):2759--2769, Elsevier,
September 2006.
- Rodrigo Roman, Jianying Zhou, and Javier Lopez.
"An Anti-Spam Scheme Using Pre-Challenges".
Computer Communications, 29(15):2739--2749, Elsevier,
September 2006.
- Kui Ren, Wenjing Lou, Kai Zeng, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Routing Optimization Security in Mobile IPv6".
Computer Networks, 50(13):2401--2419, Elsevier,
September 2006.
- Min-Hua Shao and Jianying Zhou.
"Protecting Mobile-Agent Data Collection against Blocking Attacks".
Computer Standards & Interfaces, 28(5):600--611, Elsevier,
June 2006.
- Tanmoy Kanti Das, Subhamoy Maitra, and Jianying Zhou.
"Cryptanalysis of Chu's DCT Based Watermarking Scheme".
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 8(3):629--632, IEEE Computer Society Press,
June 2006.
- Jung-Hoon Ha, Jianying Zhou, and Sang-Jae Moon.
"Improved Double Auction Protocol based on a Hybrid Trust Model".
Journal of Computers, 1(2):33--41, Academy Publisher,
May 2006.
- Jianying Zhou, Feng Bao, and Robert Deng.
"Minimizing TTP's Involvement in Signature Validation".
International Journal of Information Security, 5(1):37--47, Springer,
January 2006.
- Jianying Zhou, Jose Onieva, and Javier Lopez.
"Optimised Multi-Party Certified Email Protocols".
Information Management & Computer Security, 13(5):350--366,
Emerald, 2005.
- Rodrigo Roman, Javier Lopez, and Jianying Zhou.
"Casual Virtual Private Networks".
Computer Systems Science & Engineering, 20(3):185--192, CRL Publishing,
May 2005.
- Jose Onieva, Jianying Zhou, and Javier Lopez.
"Non-repudiation Protocols for Multiple Entities".
Computer Communications, 27(16):1608--1616, Elsevier,
October 2004.
- Guilin Wang, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Comments on a Practical (t, n) Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme Based on the RSA Cryptosystem".
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 16(10):1309--1311,
IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2004.
- Jose Onieva, Jianying Zhou, Javier Lopez, and Mildrey Carbonell.
"Agent-Mediated Non-repudiation Protocols".
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 3(2):152--162, Elsevier,
Summer 2004.
- Steve Kremer, Olivier Markowitch, and Jianying Zhou.
"An Intensive Survey of Fair Non-repudiation Protocols".
Computer Communications, 25(17):1606--1621, Elsevier,
November 2002.
- Jianying Zhou.
"Achieving Fair Non-repudiation in Electronic Transactions".
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 11(4):253--267,
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, December 2001.
- Jianying Zhou.
"Further Analysis of the Internet Key Exchange Protocol".
Computer Communications, 23(17):1606--1612, Elsevier,
November 2000.
- Jianying Zhou and Robert Deng.
"On the Validity of Digital Signatures".
Computer Communication Review, 30(2):29--34, ACM Press,
April 2000.
- Jianying Zhou.
"Fixing a Security Flaw in IKE Protocols".
Electronics Letters, 35(13):1072--1073, IEE Press,
June 1999.
- Jianying Zhou and Kwok-Yan Lam.
"Securing Digital Signatures for Non-repudiation".
Computer Communications, 22(8):710--716, Elsevier,
May 1999.
- Cheng-Hwee You, Jianying Zhou, and Kwok-Yan Lam.
"On the Efficient Implementation of Fair Non-repudiation".
Computer Communication Review, 28(5):50--60, ACM Press,
October 1998.
- Jianying Zhou and Dieter Gollmann.
"Evidence and Non-repudiation".
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 20(3):267--281, Academic Press,
July 1997.
- Ye Dong, Yan Lin Aung, Jianying Zhou, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay.
"ChatIoT: Large Language Model-Enabled Internet of Things Security Assistant".
Singapore Patent Application No. 10202402752Q, filed on 4 September 2024.
- Teik-Guan Tan and Jianying Zhou.
"Method and System for Protecting Digital Signatures".
PCT Patent Application No.
PCT/SG2022/050769, filed on 26 October 2022.
- Zheng Yang and Jianying Zhou.
"Methods and Apparatus for Message Authentication".
PCT Patent Application No.
PCT/SG2021/050594, filed on 1 October 2021.
- Jay Prakash, Tony Quek, Andrei Bytes, Jianying Zhou, and Lucienne Blessing.
"Method and System for Authenticating a User in a Session Initiated on a Computing Device".
PCT Patent Application No.
PCT/SG2021/050454, filed on 4 August 2021.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed and Jianying Zhou.
"Method and System for Characterising a Programmable Logic Controller and/or Attack Detection in a Networked Control System".
PCT Patent Application No.
PCT/SG2021/050415, filed on 15 July 2021.
- Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed and Jianying Zhou.
"Method and System for Detecting Anomaly in a Physical Process Associated with a Networked Control System".
PCT Patent Application No.
PCT/SG2021/050340, filed on 11 June 2021.
- Jay Prakash, Tony Quek, Andrei Bytes, Jianying Zhou, and Jemin Lee.
"Device-to-Device Wireless Communication".
PCT Patent Application No.
PCT/SG2020/050662, filed on 16 November 2020.
- Zheng Yang and Jianying Zhou.
"Method and System for Generating Time-based One Time Passwords".
PCT Patent Application No.
PCT/SG2020/050619, filed on 29 October 2020.
- John Castellanos and Jianying Zhou.
"Modelling and Black-Box Security Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems".
PCT Patent Application No.
PCT/SG2020/050271, filed on 8 May 2020.
- Dong Li, Huaqun Guo, Jianying Zhou, Luying Zhou, and Jun-Wen Wong.
"Industrial Control System Firewall Module".
US Patent No.
11546295, granted on 3 January 2023.
- Aldar Chan, Jun-Wen Wong, Jianying Zhou, and Joseph Teo.
"Entity Authentication in Network".
US Patent No.
10230532, granted on 12 March 2019.
- Joseph Liu, Cheng-Kang Chu, and Jianying Zhou.
"Identity-Based Server-Aided Decryption".
US Provisional Patent No. 61/430569, filed on 7 January 2011.
- Joseph Liu, Joonsang Baek, and Jianying Zhou.
"A Method of Signing a Message".
[ISO/IEC 29192-4]
(1) Singapore Patent No. 167062, granted on 15 December 2011.
(2) US Provisional Patent No. 61/057043, filed on 29 May 2008.
- Ying Qiu, Jianying Zhou, Joonsang Baek, and Han-Chiang Tan.
"Authentication and Key Establishment in Wireless Sensor Networks".
(1) Singapore Patent No. 167070, granted on 31 August 2011.
(2) US Provisional Patent No. 61/056560, filed on 29 May 2008.
- Jianying Zhou, Feng Bao, and Robert Deng.
"Public Key Cryptography and a Framework Therefor".
Singapore Patent No. 110701, granted on 30 April 2007.
- Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, and Robert Deng.
"Method of Generating an Authentication".
(1) Singapore Patent No. 110390, granted on 28 February 2007.
(2) US Patent No. 7233782, granted on 19 June 2007.
- ISO/IEC 20009-4,
Information Technology - Security Techniques - Anonymous Entity Authentication - Part 4: Mechanisms based on Weak Secrets,
"Password-based Anonymous Entity Authentication", July 2017.
- ISO/IEC 29192-4,
Information Technology - Security Techniques - Lightweight Cryptography - Part 4: Mechanisms using Asymmetric Techniques,
"Identity-based Signature Mechanism", June 2013.
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Last updated: March 2025